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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Selection Department
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn
Peer reviews for the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship
The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship is awarded to world-leading researchers from abroad, across all disciplines, whose academic achievements will help to enhance Germany’s sustained international competitiveness as a research location.
In order to identify the best researchers for forward-looking development strategies, the Humboldt Foundation’s Selection Committee needs your independent statement.
Your assessment of the following key selection criteria is important to us:
- Is the nominee at the international forefront of research in his/her field?
- Is the university’s strategy for integrating the nominee and the latter’s importance for achieving its strategic goals convincing?
As an independent peer reviewer you will be given access to our peer review portal. Here you will find all the documents to be reviewed, an online form for creating your review, as well as information on the programme and other guidance.
Further information
Your review will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential. The Humboldt Foundation will only make it accessible to those involved in the selection procedure. We ask in return that you maintain confidentiality towards those directly involved as well as third parties and that you not use any generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, etc.) in preparing your statement.
- Use of generative AI in the Foundation’s selection area (PDF, 405 KB)
- Rules of good scientific practice (PDF, 163 KB)
- Guidelines on handling security-relevant research in international research collaborations
- Guidance on how to address impartiality issues arising from conflicts of interest (PDF, 14 KB)