Frontiers of Research Symposia

For whom
outstanding young researchers
From where
Germany and a partner country
For what
three- to four-day symposia
Gruppenfoto beim Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2018 vor dem Schloss Sanssouci.

Events calendar with dates of the next symposia 

Frontiers of Research Symposia

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation regularly convenes bi- and tri-national Frontiers of Research Symposia in cooperation with its partner organisations in Brazil, China, Japan, India, Israel, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

The Frontiers of Research Symposia provide outstanding young researchers from Germany and the partner countries with a platform for an international and interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge. The participating researchers establish or strengthen connections with other future thought leaders, often pioneering innovative fields for collaboration. Participants question and expand the boundaries of their respective disciplines – for example through cross-disciplinary discussions of current advancements, innovative research and emerging opportunities. The Frontiers of Research programme is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Who’s invited to participate?

The Humboldt Foundation and its respective partner organisations identify and invite the participating researchers. There is no option for researchers to apply themselves.

Eine Gruppe von Leuten steht in einem Büro und hört den Erklärungen eines Mannes zu. (Brazilian-German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium 2016)
Gruppenbild beim Brazilian-German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium 2018.
Poster Session beim German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2015. Zu sehen sind Menschen, die vor Postern stehen und sich über sie unterhalten.
Screenshot vom virtuellen German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2021
6 Personen sitzen an einem Tisch, arbeiten gemeinsam und unterhalten sich. (Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2014)
Gruppenfoto beim Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2018 vor dem Schloss Sanssouci.
Screenshot vom virtuellen Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2021. Zu sehen sind die Gesichter von 6 Teilnehmenden.

When and where do the symposia take place?

The three- to four-day symposia take place alternatingly in Germany and in the partner country or countries at regular intervals. Participants in the Frontiers of Research Symposia are exclusively eligible for funding from the CONNECT programme, which allows them to conduct working visits in the respective partner country.

Which are the partner countries and what symposia are held?

Every year, up to 60 researchers from engineering and the applied natural sciences meet to challenge the boundaries of their fields. Nominated and funded by CAPES and the Humboldt Foundation, they establish new collaborations across their disciplines.

At the annually held symposium, 60 young natural scientists meet to discuss cutting-edge research across their disciplines and to identify collaboration partners. This series of symposia was established in 2008 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Humboldt Foundation.

About 60 young researchers in the engineering and applied natural sciences meet every other year to exchange ideas about the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge and methodology across the borders of their different fields. The Indian Department of Science and Technology and the Humboldt Foundation have been cooperating in this programme since 2009 to foster new Indo-German research networks.

Up to 50 scholars working in the humanities are invited once a year to explore new avenues for collaboration across their disciplines. Organised and funded by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Humboldt Foundation, these symposia serve to establish and strengthen interdisciplinary ties among researchers from both countries.

Once a year, 72 researchers from Japan, the US and Germany meet to challenge the boundaries of their fields, establishing new collaborations across their disciplines. The trilateral symposia are jointly organised by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the American National Academy of Sciences and the Humboldt Foundation.

About 50 young researchers are invited to discuss recent advances, cutting-edge research and budding opportunities across various fields in the humanities. Since 2019, the British Academy and the Humboldt Foundation have been cooperating in this programme, facilitating a fertile interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge between scholars from the UK and Germany.

Every other year, up to 60 young researchers from different fields of engineering and applied natural sciences meet for an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge. The American National Academy of Engineering and the Humboldt Foundation have been cooperating in this programme since 2001.

CONNECT Follow-up programme

A follow-up programme available exclusively to participants of the Frontiers of Research Symposia funds working visits in the respective partner country for up to 30 days. It thereby allows participants to establish longer-term collaborations, contributing to deepening academic relations between German and the partner country.

All awards and grants