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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Selection Department
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn
Information on peer reviews
With Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellowships and awards, we sponsor outstanding researchers from across the globe – from promising junior academics, through experienced researchers, to luminaries in their research areas – and provide them with ongoing support in their collaborations with specialist colleagues.
Through our programmes for researchers from abroad our aim is to recruit internationally sought-after talent and top researchers as partners for Germany as a destination for research. Through our programmes for researchers from Germany we want to strengthen the academic relationships between our Humboldt Network abroad and Germany. To help us be sure to find the right minds, our Selection Committee needs your independent peer review.
Guidelines and information on the various programmes, in particular on the respective selection criteria, can be found on our website’s programme pages and in the peer review portal.
How to create the peer review
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors people, not projects. We therefore ask you to focus your review on the individual academic qualifications of the applicants and/or nominees.
As an independent peer reviewer, you will receive access to our peer review portal. Here you will find documents to be reviewed and a form for you to compile your review.
Further information
Your review will be treated as strictly confidential. The Humboldt Foundation will only make it accessible to those involved in the selection procedure. We ask in return that you maintain confidentiality towards those directly involved as well as third parties.