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Whether you are a newly selected fellow or award winner, a researcher currently receiving sponsorship or one of our alumni, you can search here for the names, disciplines and current residence of more than 30,000 Humboldt Foundation sponsorship recipients worldwide.

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The publicly accessible area of the Humboldt Network lists the majority of the Foundation’s 30,000 plus sponsorship recipients worldwide. After logging in, Humboldtians have access to an advanced search, including contact details.

The search for "New Humboldtians" lists all those who have been granted one of the Humboldt Foundation’s fellowships or awards during the last 24 months.

Please note that award details are only published after the award winner has accepted the award. Consequently, this is usually some time after the selection decision has been made.

  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Area of ​​expertise: Asian Studies
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Walther Heissig (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Area of ​​expertise: German Language (Linguistics)
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Otto Essen (Universität Hamburg, Germany), Prof. Dr. Broder Carstensen (Universität Paderborn, Germany), Prof. Dr. Dietrich Krusche (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Current contact address: Department of German, Amherst College, Amherst, United States of America
  • Area of ​​expertise: Modern German Literature
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Richard Alewyn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany), Prof. Dr. Ludwig Finscher (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Current contact address: Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, United States of America
  • Area of ​​expertise: Theology
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Edmund Schlink (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany), Prof. Dr. Trutz Rendtorff (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Germany), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Moltmann (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Area of ​​expertise: Modern German Literature
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Erich Keyser (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany), Prof. Dr. Hellmuth Weiss (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Current contact address: Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • Area of ​​expertise: Modern German Literature
  • Keywords: 19. Jahrhundert, Romantik, Deutsche Literatur, Icongraphy of Christian saints
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Paul Böckmann (Universität zu Köln, Germany), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Frühwald (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Germany), Prof. Dr. Volker Hoffman (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Current contact address: Südtiroler Landesarchiv, Bolzano, Italy
  • Area of ​​expertise: German Language (Linguistics)
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Ludwig E. Schmitt (Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim (IDS), Marburg, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Area of ​​expertise: Musicology
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Walter Wiora (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany), Prof. Dr. Franziska Ehmcke (Universität zu Köln, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Current contact address: Department of German Philology, Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, Lodz, Poland
  • Area of ​​expertise: Modern German Literature
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Benno Wiese (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany), Prof. Dr. Werner Keller (Universität zu Köln, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: July 1964
  • Area of ​​expertise: Modern German Literature
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Walther Killy (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany)