
German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium 2021 “Fluctuations in Stability: Confronting Uncertainties” (Virtual)


12th German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium: “Fluctuations in Stability: Confronting Uncertainties”

This year´s conference focusses on the uncertainties of life and the management of those since the past until today. This cross-disciplinary reflection includes the ancient world, the musical spheres, Latin America and the judicial system. It is sought to understand more in detail the influences of instability and uncertainty on humankind and the different modes of coping with those challenges.

Partners and goals

The German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposia (GISFOH) are interdisciplinary, binational conferences jointly conducted by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (IASH) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH).

This symposium series brings together approx. 50 outstanding young researchers of various disciplines from Israel and Germany. They exchange ideas across disciplinary boundaries and take the opportunity to work on future collaborations. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supports such collaborative work with its special follow-up program "CONNECT".

Funding on the German side is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Participation is by invitation only.

Session contents

Trust in the Empire: The Roman Economy and the importance of Trust

  • Trust in the Roman Empire: A numismatic point of view from Judea / Syria Palaestina, 1st century BCE – 3rd century CE
  • Behavioural Numismatics: The Case of Roman Imperial Coinage
  • Thinking with money in the Eastern Roman Empire
  • Having confidence is good, having a contract is better. Generating securities in private and public monetary transactions taking Byzantine and early Islamic Egypt as an example

The Power of Uncertainty: Crises in Contemporary Latin America

  • Challenging the population bomb: The representation and contestation of family planning in the Americas since the 1950s
  • Uncertain boundaries - Disturbing transgressions in Diamela Eltit’s “The Fourth World”
  • Uncertainty and democracy in Venezuela: the role of volatility in oil prices
  • Losing Hegemony: The Catholic Church and its Contenders in the Andes

Challenged by Plurality – Challenges of Pluralism. Law and the Integration of Heterogeneity

  • Legal stability and individual autonomy: A comparative view from early Jewish Law
  • Legal pluralism along the public-private divide: The case of religious adjudication
  • Is hate crime a suitable concept to protect plurality in a unified law system?
  • Law for non-lawyers or a pluralistic concept of law

Revisiting the Foundations of Western Music Canon: History, Aesthetics & Experience

  • Music history beyond Beethoven?
  • De-lexicalizing Otherness
  • Letting the Canon Loose: Improvisation, performance, and the fear of musical works
  • Staging the musical canon? Music history in contemporary opera


Stephanie Dill
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Berlin Office / Frontiers of Research Programme
Markgrafenstrasse 37
10117 Berlin, Germany

Sima Daniel
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Secretary, the Humanities Division
43 Jabotinsky St.
P.O. Box 4040
Jerusalem 9104001, Israel

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