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Political economy
Anke Hoeffler is one of the most frequently-cited social scientists in the world. An economist and political scientist, her research focuses on violence, conflict and civil wars as well as their economic consequences. A study she was involved in on the economic impact of violence and armed conflict attracted considerable interest. It reveals that domestic violence is responsible for the highest costs worldwide – fifty times higher than the financial losses caused by civil wars. Thus, domestic violence, a form of violence that has received relatively little attention to date, emerges as the most expensive one. A significant contribution to academic and public debate has also been made by the “greed and grievance” approach which Anke Hoeffler developed with the British migration researcher Paul Collier: they investigated whether civil wars were mainly caused by people suffering political oppression, for example, or for religious or ideological reasons, or to what extent economic aspects such as advantageous financing favoured rebellion.
Brief bio
Born in Germany, Anke Hoeffler is currently a research officer at the Centre for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. She embarked on research in Oxford in 1999, completing her doctorate there after studying in Würzburg and London. She has received financial support for her research from institutions like the World Bank and the European Commission. In 2014, Anke Hoeffler was a visiting scholar at the University of Mannheim in Germany. She is a member of various academic bodies and organisations such as the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) and the International Peace Research Institute Oslo. In April 2019 she took up her position as a Humboldt Professor at the University of Konstanz.
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