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Computer Engineering / Real-Time Systems
The next industrial revolution is underway: Industry 4.0 envisages the fusion of mechanical production with intelligent, digitally-connected systems to create cyber-physical systems. The control of machinery and processes is conducted in real time via wireless communication networks. Constellations in which immediate and absolutely reliable results are essential are referred to as hard real-time systems. Examples include control systems in power stations, planes and autonomous cars. Marco Caccamo is an expert in these types of safety-critical real-time systems. They are the object of his fundamental research as are concrete, inexpensive applications in collaboration with partners in industry.
Brief bio
The next industrial revolution is underway: Industry 4.0 envisages the fusion of mechanical production with intelligent, digitally-connected systems to create cyber-physical systems. The control of machinery and processes is conducted in real time via wireless communication networks. Constellations in which immediate and absolutely reliable results are essential are referred to as hard real-time systems. Examples include control systems in power stations, planes and autonomous cars. Marco Caccamo is an expert in these types of safety-critical real-time systems. They are the object of his fundamental research as are concrete, inexpensive applications in collaboration with partners in industry. In October 2018 he took up his position as a Humboldt Professor at TUM.
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