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Stefanie Petermichl is one of the leading researchers in the field of harmonic analysis, a branch of mathematics with wide-ranging application potential. Harmonic analysis, for example, can help to improve medical imaging procedures and is used in signal processing and material sciences. Stefanie Petermichl is renowned particularly for her ability to link harmonic analysis to other mathematical fields of study like probability theory. In the last few years, her unusual ideas have made their mark on the research field: some of the methods she has developed have become standard tools which have paved the way for crucial progress in harmonic analysis. Petermichl’s work is also characterised by particular depth of content.
Brief bio
Born in Germany, Stefanie Petermichl is a professor at the Mathematics Insitute of the Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier in France where she previously worked at the Université de Bordeaux until 2009. Prior to this, she spent time in the United States, amongst others at the University of Texas at Austin from 2005 to 2007 and Brown University in Providence from 2002 to 2005. She has received many honours for her research such as an ERC Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council and the Prix Ernest Déchelle from the French Académie des Sciences; she was the first woman to be awarded the Prix Salem by the Société Mathématique de France. Stefanie Petermichl has also been elected a member of the Institut Universitaire de France, a state organisation promoting top-level research and interdisciplinary cooperation. In April 2019 she took up her position as a Humboldt Professor at JMU Würzburg.
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