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![Porträt Thomas Hesse](/securedl/sdl-eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3Mzc3MDQzOTEsImV4cCI6MTczNzc5NDM5MSwidXNlciI6MCwiZ3JvdXBzIjpbMCwtMV0sImZpbGUiOiJmaWxlYWRtaW4vX3Byb2Nlc3NlZF8vYy8xL2NzbV9UaG9tYXMtSGVzc2Vfd2ViX2E1NTViY2ViMTMuanBnIiwicGFnZSI6MjQ3NX0.qw5zgHsoBvoEBm_PJ4o8zUhsJNfspOzRcLN9DXC7adw/csm_Thomas-Hesse_web_a555bceb13.jpg)
Thomas Hesse studied biology with an emphasis on molecular biology (botany), genetics, and biochemistry in Bonn. He then worked at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research and received his Ph.D. from the University of Bonn in 1989. As a post-doc, Thomas Hesse continued to conduct research at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research and at Monsanto Company in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
In 1990, he was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal by the Max Planck Society for his research in the area of plant molecular biology.
Dr Hesse was born in Bonn. He is married and has three children.