1424 search results

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Sofja Kovalevskaja-Award Winners 2019

Sofja Kovalevskaja-Award Winners 2019 Kontakt Presse, Kommunikation und Marketing Tel.: +49 228 833-144 Fax: +49 228 833-441 presse[at]avh.de Tonni Grube Andersen Atelier photographique lausanne portr

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Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

Spellbound by the Black Hole

An international network of radio astronomers managed to take the first picture of a blck hole in space. Leader of the alliance: Humboldt Research Award Winner, Anton Zensus.

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Spellbound by the Black Hole

Sponsored networking initiatives

The selected projects are being developed by Humboldt alumni to promote the academic and cultural ties between Germany and the home countries of the individual alumni, get discipline- and topic-driven researcher networks involved, and strengthen collaboration in the respective region.

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Sponsorship during your German Chancellor Fellowship

Sponsorship during your German Chancellor Fellowship So that you can focus fully on your project, we offer you sponsorship in addition to your monthly fellowship amount. German Chancellor Fellows bene

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Sponsorship during your research stay in Germany

Sponsorship during your research stay in Germany The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowships offer international researchers the opportunity to pursue their research in Germany. In addi

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