1343 search results

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Extension of the research fellowship

Extension of the research fellowship Kontakt Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Abteilung Förderung und Netzwerk Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn info[at]avh.de The maximum sponsorship period is 24 months fo

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Events during your visit to Germany

Events during your visit to Germany Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany info[at]avh.de Network meeting A number of regional networ

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Further benefits to support families

Further benefits to support families Kontakt Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Abteilung Förderung und Netzwerk Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn info[at]avh.de Alongside financial support and allowances, th

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FAQ to sponsorships in Germany

FAQ to sponsorships in Germany The German-language text is authoritative; the English-language version is merely a helpful translation. Guidelines and Information for Research Fellows (PDF, 558 KB) Wh

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Reaching for the stars

Working in the Felsenkeller underground lab at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Humboldt Fellow Eliana Masha is investigating what is going on inside the sun. The nuclear astrophysicist from Albania wants to determine the origins of the universe and show that anyone can become a researcher.

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Mobility allowance

Mobility allowance Kontakt Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Abteilung Förderung und Netzwerk Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn info[at]avh.de During your research fellowship (not during the language course)

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Health, liability and accident insurance

Health, liability and accident insurance Kontakt Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Abteilung Förderung und Netzwerk Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn info[at]avh.de Research fellows and the family members ac

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Family benefits

Family benefits If you as a research fellow are accompanied by your partner and/or underage children for at least three uninterrupted months during the funding period, the Humboldt Foundation will pro

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