1395 search results

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    • News

      Where the wild bees are

      No one knows yet how the pandemic will impact the careers of young researchers. In this three-part series, we profile Feodor Lynen Research Fellows and show how they are dealing with the challenges facing them.

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    • Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

      Which Tree Has the Greatest Cooling Effect in Summer, Mr Rahman?

      When it gets too hot in street canyons in summer, many city dwellers head for the parks. No wonder: it can be up to five degrees cooler there than in the concrete jungle. The greenery works like air conditioning. But which trees have the greatest cooling effect? Plant ecologist Mohammad Rahman is in Munich trying to find out.

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      Which Tree Has the Greatest Cooling Effect in Summer, Mr Rahman?
    • Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

      Who Tells the Swarm Where To Go, Mr Jolles?

      Animal swarms have fascinated us for a long time. How do they coordinate their behaviour, who leads, who follows? This is one of Jolle Jolles’ research fields: he focuses on sticklebacks.

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      Who Tells the Swarm Where To Go, Mr Jolles?
    • Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

      Why Are People Here So Peculiar?

      We’re amazed, amused, confused or dumbfounded. Spending time abroad always puts our normal expectations to the test. What are the mechanisms that control our percept ion when we are immersed in another culture? A look at the research.

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      Why Are People Here So Peculiar?
    • Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

      Why should we indulge in idleness more often, Mr Murayama?

      Don’t always grab your phone when you’re waiting for a bus. Instead, just sit there and let your thoughts run free. This kind of activity – or inactivity – is completely underrated nowadays, says psychologist Kou Murayama.

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      Why should we indulge in idleness more often, Mr Murayama?
    • Why the effort is worthwhile

      Professor Ulrike Freitag and Professor Arnulf Quadt host Philipp Schwartz Fellows. In this interview, they speak about the challenges of integration and bureaucratic hurdles.

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      Why the effort is worthwhile
    • Why the effort is worthwhile

      Professor Ulrike Freitag and Professor Arnulf Quadt host Philipp Schwartz Fellows. In this interview, they speak about the challenges of integration and bureaucratic hurdles.

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      Why the effort is worthwhile
    • Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

      Why we need post-colonialism

      As with any new paradigm, the terms “postcolonialism”, “postcolonial criticism” or “postcolonial approach” garner strong reactions.

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      Why we need post-colonialism