1343 search results for „*“

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Sponsorship programme

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

  • For whom: top researchers
  • From: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • What:  up to €5 million award money to finance a professorship for the first five years
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

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Sponsorship programme

International Climate Protection Fellowship

  • For whom: prospective leaders and postdocs with climate expertise
  • From: non-European developing and transition countries
  • What:  12–24-month project in Germany
International Climate Protection Fellowship

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Sponsorship programme

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship

  • For whom: postdoctoral researchers, experienced researchers
  • From: Germany
  • What:  6–24-month research stay abroad
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship

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Sponsorship programme

CAPES-Humboldt Research Fellowship

  • For whom: postdoctoral researchers, experienced researchers
  • From: Brazil
  • What:  6–24-month research stay in Germany
CAPES-Humboldt Research Fellowship

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Sponsorship programme

Humboldt Research Fellowship

  • For whom: postdoctoral researchers, experienced researchers
  • From: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • What:  6–24-month research stay in Germany
Humboldt Research Fellowship

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Sponsorship programme

German Chancellor Fellowship

  • For whom: university graduates with initial leadership experience
  • From: Brazil, China, India, South Africa, USA
  • What:  12-month project in Germany
German Chancellor Fellowship

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Sponsorship programme

Henriette Herz Scouting Programme

  • For whom: outstanding (junior) professors and (junior) research group leaders
  • From: Germany
  • What:  up to three permissions to recommend candidates for a Humboldt Research Fellowship
Henriette Herz Scouting Programme

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Sponsorship programme

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

  • For whom: top-rank junior researchers
  • From: - programme closed to new applications -
  • What:  up to €1.65 million for 5 years to head a research group in Germany
Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

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