122 search results for „medicine“

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Humboldt Research Hubs in Africa in portrait

Francine Ntoumi who collaborates with Professor Dr Steffen Borrmann at the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the University of Tübingen, Germany, and Professor Dr Véronique Penlap Beng at the Université

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Sponsorship programme

Humboldt Research Fellowship

  • For whom: postdoctoral researchers, experienced researchers
  • From: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • What:  6–24-month research stay in Germany
Humboldt Research Fellowship

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Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

Humboldt Professor Burkhard Rost

nearly ten years ago to take up a Humboldt Professorship. His goal is to build a bridge between medicine and biosciences. He is fascinated by the structures, workings and interaction of proteins in human [...] way they function, the better equipped we’ll be to answer the big questions posed, for example, by medicine,” says Burkhard Rost who has decisively shaped the interdisciplinary approach inherent in bioinformatics

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Humboldt Professor Burkhard Rost

Humboldt Communication Lab

grasp for regulators and civil society. While transformative technologies hold great potential in medicine, industry, logistics or urban planning, there are hardly any other scientific fields that spark

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Humboldt Communication Lab

Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

How stony was the path to mathematical heights, Ms Pyakurel?

farm produced. Just occasionally, we sold some ghee or goat’s meat to earn money for clothes and medicine. Being the youngest of 12 children, I was spared the farm work. But on Saturdays, when there was

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How stony was the path to mathematical heights, Ms Pyakurel?

Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

How can artificial intelligence help to combat viruses, Mr Jin?

flexibly to new information and optimise itself over time. Together with colleagues in veterinary medicine, Jin has developed an evolutionary learning algorithm which is supposed to help fight the foot and [...] flu and Ebola vaccines, says Jin. It could prove a promising approach to Corona, too. KEYWORDS: medicine, swarm robotics. Dieses Bild wurde passend zum Text von dem KI-Programm Wombo Dream erstellt.

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How can artificial intelligence help to combat viruses, Mr Jin?

Hope for a better future will never fade away

Veterinary Medicine Host institution: Universität Leipzig Sponsorship Philipp Schwartz-Initiative: 07/2016 – 06/2019 My first applications for a job, fellowship or even an internship at veterinary medicine faculties [...] scientific research. Therefore, after graduating from Al-Baath University’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Hama, I worked at the faculty’s Central Laboratory for Research and Disease Diagnosis, where [...] gical animal diseases in Syria. Simultaneously, I pursued my postgraduate studies in veterinary medicine. Later on, I received a scholarship to be enrolled in a doctoral course at Nippon Veterinary and

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Hope for a better future will never fade away