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Become a host for an International Climate Protection Fellow
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s International Climate Protection Fellows require academic support and a point of contact at their host institution during their stay in Germany. If you work at a public or private institution in Germany (universities, research institutions, businesses, associations, administrative offices, NGOs etc.), you can act as a host for International Climate Protection Fellows from developing and transition countries outside of Europe. Create the conditions that enable the funding recipient to conduct her/his project in Germany and provide her/him with the necessary contacts.
If a fellowship is granted, the Humboldt Foundation will provide your institution with a monthly subsidy of €500 (humanities and social sciences) or €800 (natural sciences and engineering) towards research costs. Please refer to our website or the International Climate Protection Fellowship programme information to find out exactly what is required of applicants.
- International Climate Protection Fellowship – website
- Programme information (PDF, 118 KB)
- Programme information for postdocs (PDF, 117 KB)
- Frequently asked questions from hosts about the subsidy towards research costs
- Guidelines on handling security-relevant research in international research collaborations
Your statement
First, applicants must coordinate their independently developed proposal with you. To enable you to submit a meaningful statement on the applicant’s qualifications and on the proposal, you will generally require the following documents:
- CV
- cover letter
- project outline
- list of key publications (for applicants for the International Climate Protection Fellowships for postdocs
Your statement is crucial to the review process and very important to the Selection Committee.
In drawing up your assessment please refer to the list of questions for the statement by the host (PDF) and answer these questions in the order given, where possible. Upload the completed document in English together with the signed mentoring agreement (DOC) to a secure area associated with the application; the applicant will send you the corresponding link to this area by email. Your statement will, of course, be treated as confidential.
Please note
The applicant cannot submit an application online until your host’s statement and the signed mentoring agreement have been provided. We therefore recommend that you upload the necessary documents no later than one week before the closing date of 1 February.
Once the application documents have been reviewed and assessed by an independent Selection Committee, the best candidates will be invited by the end of June to Germany for a selection meeting. This meeting is held over several days. The meeting will take place in September and gives candidates the opportunity to present their proposal. The Selection Committee will decide whether or not to grant the applicant a fellowship at this meeting.
Please note: Fellows must stay at the host institution in Germany for the entire duration of their sponsorship period. Stays abroad are permitted only under certain conditions.