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Head of Division Philipp Schwartz Initiative and Academic Freedom
Frank Albrecht
Senior Programme Coordinator
Katja Machacsek
Phone: +49 228 833 182
Programme Officers
Judith Dömer-Warneke, +49 (0)228 833 417
Christian Finke, +49 (0)228 833 565
Sandra Grziwa +49 (0)228 833 574
Bianca Schneemayer, +49 (0)228 833 166
Fax: +49 228 833 114
For Press Inquiries
Phone: +49 228 833 144
Best Practice: Services for researchers at risk
In order to offer your services, click here to complete the linked questionnaire (available only in German).
RWTH Aachen et al: SAR NRW support programme 2020
Five SAR member universities from North Rhine-Westphalia will offer a joint support programme for researchers at risk for the first time in 2020. The programme is intended to contribute to successful professional integration in the German (academic) labour market. In five modules, the participants receive introductions to the following topics:
- Research funding in Germany
- social skills
- the German research landscape
- Career planning in German
- Application training
Those who participate in all modules will receive a certificate at the end. Participating universities: RWTH Aachen, University of Bonn, University of Düsseldorf, University of Cologne, University of Siegen.
Target groups: researchers
Duration: annually
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: RWTH Aachen: anne.kroeger[at]zhv.rwth-aachen.de; University of Bonn: welcome[at]uni-bonn.de; University of Düsseldorf: wegenerf[at]hhu.de; Universität of Cologne: h.berner[at]verw.uni-koeln.de; University of Siegen: nina.fenn[at]zv.uni-siegen.de
University of Cologne: Mentoring for at-risk scholars
Special mentoring programme comprising one-to-one mentoring by an individually selected "careers mentor" from academia or industry. Parallel workshop programme on tipics like "German research landscape", academic careers in Germany, forms of scientific presentation, scientific event management/conference organisation etc. as well as individual coaching in professional profile building, project management, research management etc. Click here for additional information.
Target groups: researchers, individuals at risk
Duration: as required; to date, two rounds lasting approx. eight months each
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, supplemented by funding from HR Development for Researchers and fees for external participants (from the regional SAR Network North Rhine-Westphalia)
Contact: Dr. Heike Berner and Dr. Johannes Müller, University of Cologne, Dept. 94 Internationale Science
E-mail: h.berner[at]verw.uni-koeln.de; j.mueller[at]verw.uni-koeln.de
University of Cologne: Academic English coaching
Allotment of hours with a professional translator (native speaker) and editor/English language editor who can be called upon by scholars at risk, as required. The editor will edit English manuscripts by scholars at risk and then hold individual sessions with the authors. The texts will be discussed in detail and, if desired, suitable exercises in the use of academic English will be offered. The objective is, on the one hand, to provide professional editing and revision of scientific texts intended for publication and, on the other, to expand linguistic competence in written scientific English.
Target groups: researchers, individuals at risk
Duration: ongoing
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: Dr. Heike Berner and Dr. Johannes Müller, University of Cologne, Dept. 94 International Science. E-mail: h.berner[at]verw.uni-koeln.de; j.mueller[at]verw.uni-koeln.de
University of Tübingen: Workshop "Career Alternatives and Job Hunting in Germany for Threatened Scientists"
Two-day workshop for researchers at risk at universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg: You are open to considering a career switch into the German business world? In this workshop we will discuss the opportunities of the German labour market for foreign academics, and how to best apply. You will discover how to “translate” your skills both into German as well as business language. Also we will talk about common intercultural pitfalls when applying as an academic in a private enterprise. You will get to know the relevant players and helpdesks for your job search as well as possible employers in the region. We will optimize your CV and conduct mock job interviews, so afterwards you are ready to start your own job hunt.
Target groups: researchers, family members
Duration: every one to two years, depending of the number of beneficiaries
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: Kirsten Sonnenschein, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Head of Welcome Center, E-Mail: kirsten.sonnenschein[at]uni-tuebingen.de
University of Tübingen: Workshop "SCIENCE COMPASS Navigation through German Higher Education"
Two-day workshop for researchers at risk at universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg: The journey from the insecure home country to the guest country succeeded successfully. After the initial euphoria an important finding becomes evident: the new Higher Education System and involved expectations differ fundamentally from previous experiences. A key for successful collaboration is to recognize the German Academic system. Understanding German Academic traditions, scientific working culture and related expectations between supervisors, colleagues and students can reduce available tensions in scientific collaboration.This workshop aims to provide more confidence within the German System by having insight in requirements and expectations in research, teaching and supervision. Furthermore, this workshop will help to draw clear picture about structures and career paths within German academia.
Target groups: researchers, family members
Duration: recurring (every one to two years)
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: Kirsten Sonnenschein, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Head of Welcome Center, E-Mail: kirsten.sonnenschein[at]uni-tuebingen.de
University of Tübingen: Workshop "Career Alternatives and Job Perspectives outside academia"
The researchers should be put in the position
- to recognize their academic strengths and to work them out as soft skills,
- to translate them into German and into the "language" of non-university employers,
- to get to know the German labour market and labour market actors,
- to be sensitized for intercultural pitfalls in the application process and
- learn what an application in Germany looks like that is attractive for companies, and
- to prepare and conduct job interviews in order
- to subsequently conduct job searches and applications in Germany independently
Target groups: researchers, family members
Duration: recurring (every one to two years)
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: Kirsten Sonnenschein, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Head of Welcome Center, E-Mail: kirsten.sonnenschein[at]uni-tuebingen.de
University of Tübingen: Information for hosts about the application process and structure of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
The University of Tübingen has developed a cover letter (only in German) which explains the procedure, structure and responsibilities of an application in the Philipp Schwartz Initiative to potential hosts.
Target groups: academic mentors, administrative staff
Duration: permanent
Financing: own resources
Contact: Kirsten Sonnenschein, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Head of Welcome Center, E-Mail: kirsten.sonnenschein[at]uni-tuebingen.de
This could be your offer!
University of Tübingen: Supervision for mentors of researchers at risk
If necessary, a psychologist can be consulted individually in cases of conflict. The psychologist has an Arabic background and also acts as an active mediator between the researcher and her/his mentor. There have also been supervision groups.
Target groups: academic mentors
Duration: upon request
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: Kirsten Sonnenschein, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Head of Welcome Center, E-Mail: kirsten.sonnenschein[at]uni-tuebingen.de
University of Cologne: Integration support for marital partners and children
Recruitment of an academic assistant mainly for the purpose of assisting the social integration of families of threatened researchers, supporting them in everyday life and independently developing needs-based offers. Family members are enabled to become more independent and to integrate better into their environments which, in turn, makes life easier for the researcher. Special focus lies on the support of marital partners. To date, this action has generated the following measures:
- child-oriented) excursions which enable families to get in contact with each other
- support for marital partners in finding internships or leisure groups
- helping with school matters (e.g. school enrolment, correspondence with school, accompanying parents to meetings with teachers)
- support in bureaucratic matters (e.g. translating letters, filling in application forms)
- offers to get acquainted with local structures (e.g. visits to the city library
Target groups: family members, individuals at risk
Duration: ongoing
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: Dr. Heike Berner and Dr. Johannes Müller, University of Cologne, Dept. 94 International Science
E-mail: h.berner[at]verw.uni-koeln.de; j.mueller[at]verw.uni-koeln.de
University of Cologne: Support for the children of refugees at school
A student assistant of Syrian descent (herself a graduate of the University of Cologne's Integra Programme for potential students with a refugee background) helps support the children of scholars at risk with their schooling, where needed, and offers targeted tutorin, including linguistic help with homework. This is done in agreement with the respective school.
Target groups: family members
Duration: ongoing
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: Dr. Heike Berner and Dr. Johannes Müller, University of Cologne, Dept. 94 International Science
E-mail: h.berner[at]verw.uni-koeln.de; j.mueller[at]verw.uni-koeln.de
Technical University of Darmstadt: Lecture series: "Academia, Interrupted"
The lecture series "Academia, Interrupted", in which endangered scientists report on their experiences with the restriction of research, publication, teaching and learning, draws attention to threats to academic freedom and attacks on researchers all over the world and stimulates a discourse between all members of the university and the interested public. The individual events also serve the purpose of supra-regional exchange between funded researchers, the academic mentors and all those involved and interested in the programme. Further information is available at https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/scholars-at-risk
Target groups: researchers, family members, persons at risk, persons not at risk, scientific mentors, administrative staff
Duration: recurrent (annually)
Financing: funding from the Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Contact: Aaron Szczerba, M.A., Technical University of Darmstadt, International Department, phone +49 6151 16-29987, E-Mail: aaron.szczerba[at]tu-darmstadt.de
This could be your offer!
This list does not claim to be complete. The selection of the various initiatives does not imply any evaluation thereof. No liability is accepted for the accuracy of information. Questions should be addressed to the relevant organisation directly.
Information on the residence status of threatened researchers
- Questions and answers about the residence status of threatened researchers in Germany
- Overview: Residency status of people with a refugee background and their opportunities for receiving research fellowships and conducting research (PDF) (in German only) (PDF, 121 KB)
- HRK flyer: Residence law for researchers from non-EU states (in German only) (PDF, 236 KB)
Further information
- Scholars at Risk Network – Germany Section
- Sponsorship opportunities for researchers at risk
- Euraxess: General information on living and working in Germany
- Flight: Research and Transfer. Information platform on flight and refugee research in Germany (in German only)
- WUS knowledge database: Refugees and HEIs in Germany (in German only)
- Presentation online seminar on 7 February 2022 on the application process in the Philipp Schwartz Initiative (in German only) (PDF, 392 KB)
- Video recording online seminar on 7 February 2022 on the application process in the Philipp Schwartz Initiative (MP4, 401 MB)
- Video recording online seminar on 3 February 2021 on the programme updates to the Philipp Schwartz Initiative (MP4, 492 MB)