Explore the Humboldt Network

Whether you are a newly selected fellow or award winner, a researcher currently receiving sponsorship or one of our alumni, you can search here for the names, disciplines and current residence of more than 30,000 Humboldt Foundation sponsorship recipients worldwide.

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The publicly accessible area of the Humboldt Network lists the majority of the Foundation’s 30,000 plus sponsorship recipients worldwide. After logging in, Humboldtians have access to an advanced search, including contact details.

The search for "New Humboldtians" lists all those who have been granted one of the Humboldt Foundation’s fellowships or awards during the last 24 months.

Please note that award details are only published after the award winner has accepted the award. Consequently, this is usually some time after the selection decision has been made.

  • Program: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): Peking University (PKU), Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • Current contact address: Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), München, Germany
  • Area of ​​expertise: Modern German Literature
  • Keywords: Autobiographie, Goethe-Rezeption in China, Deutsche Lyrik
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Vollhardt (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Award
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): Northwestern University, Evanston, United States of America
  • Current contact address: Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University, Evanston, United States of America
  • Area of ​​expertise: Practical Philosophy
  • Keywords: Theorie der Biopolitik, Französische Philosophie der Gegenwart, Kritische Theorie, Kritische Rechtstheorie, Gender und Race
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Christoph Menke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Award
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Current contact address: Department of Philosophy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Area of ​​expertise: Theoretical Philosophy
  • Keywords: Pragmatism-Expressivism, Causation, Truth, Time, Quantum Foundations
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Christine Tiefensee (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Brazil
  • Current contact address: Carl Duisberg Centren, Köln, Germany
  • Area of ​​expertise: Musicology
  • Keywords: Music History, Sound archives, Transcultural music practices, Migrant Musical Studies, Intangible heritage
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Sandra Kurfürst (Universität zu Köln, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): Fudan University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  • Current contact address: Museum für Islamische Kunst, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany
  • Area of ​​expertise: Art History
  • Keywords: Safavid visual culture, Mosques in China, Object exchanges in Asia, Islamic material culture in China, connoisseurship
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Current contact address: Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Area of ​​expertise: Electrical Energy Production, Transmission, Distribution, Application
  • Keywords: DFIG, Fault ride through capability, PMSG, Grid Codes, Control techniques
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Anatoli Wellhöfer (Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): Universität Osnabrück, Germany
  • Current contact address: Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft, Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany
  • Area of ​​expertise: General and Applied Linguistics, Typology, Non-European Languages
  • Keywords: alternative sets, focus alternatives, scalar implicature, scalar alternatives, psycholinguistic measures
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Nicole Gotzner (Universität Osnabrück, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, India
  • Current contact address: Barabazar Bikram Tudu Memorial College, Department of English, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, India
  • Area of ​​expertise: General and Comparative Literature; Cultural Studies
  • Keywords: Decoloniality, Extraction, Environmental injustice, Africa, Epistemology
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Kate Rigby (Universität zu Köln, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • Current contact address: Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • Area of ​​expertise: Theoretical Philosophy
  • Keywords: explanation, ability, principle of sufficient reason, inquiry, rationalism
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Dominik Perler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
  • Program: Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Selection date: March 2024
  • Business address (at time of selection): Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Current contact address: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
  • Area of ​​expertise: Prehistory
  • Keywords: geophysical survey, archaeology, Balkans, urban planning, early medieval centres
  • Host: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Müller (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany), Dr. Jens Schneeweiß (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany)