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The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation would like to extend its congratulations to the newly selected winners of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize! The ten researchers tapped to receive a 2021 Leibniz Prize from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG - German Research Foundation) include one of the Humboldt Foundation’s funding recipients: the Humboldt Professor Giuseppe Caire.
Giuseppe Caire (55) was singled out by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for his research which has laid the foundation for key principles in information theory within the field of wireless modern communication and information technology. Among his many achievements, Caire developed the theoretical basis for optimising special modulation processes (Bi-Interleaved Coded Modulation, BICM) in which messages from a sender running over a noisy channel can be decoded at the receiver end nearly without error, the DFG noted in its statement regarding the selection. Such processes are now standard in wireless communication. His most recent work on distributed caching systems, where information is saved in several places physically separate from one another, has led to entirely new findings in the field of information theory.
Giuseppe Caire is a professor and Chair of the Communications and Information Theory Group at the Technische Universität Berlin. He moved to TU Berlin in 2014 to take up an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship. Prior to that time, Caire conducted research in the Netherlands, Italy, France and the USA. In addition to his research work, Caire is involved in technology transfer. He received an ERC Advanced Grant in 2018. Among other business ventures, he is co-founder of the Silicon Valley start-up SpaceMUX, which developed technologies for wireless networks in companies.
The new Leibniz Award winners Asifa Akhtar, Nico Eisenhauer, Katerina Harvati-Papatheodorou, Rolf Müller and Volker Springel are also members of the Humboldt Network: They have all been hosts to individuals who have been sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation and who come from abroad for research stays in Germany, or have served as a reviewer or have spoken at meetings such as the Frontiers of Research Symposia.
The 2021 Leibniz Prizes, valued at €2.5 million each, will be awarded in a virtual ceremony on 15 March.