131 search results for „*“

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    • Catherina G. Becker

      To regenerate human nerve tissue is the dream of every medical researcher working on therapies for diseases like Parkinson’s or spinal injuries. The neurobiologist, Catherina Becker, could help to make this dream a reality. She explores mechanisms that give rise to new nerve cells and help heal damaged tissue.

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      Catherina G. Becker
    • Christian Frezza

      Cancer cells grow significantly quicker in the body than normal cells. Their metabolism thus functions differently and utilises nutrients at a much faster rate. The metabolism researcher Christian Frezza is searching for ways of disturbing or even preventing nutrient utilisation in cancer cells so that they can no long grow and eventually die.

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      Christian Frezza
    • Christopher Barner-Kowollik

      The research conducted by the chemist and materials scientist Christopher Barner-Kowollik facilitates the development of high-precision materials and surfaces for specific applications in medicine, nanotechnology and materials development. He is invited to continue his work on new materials and polymer-based systems at KIT.

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      Christopher Barner-Kowollik
    • Dana Branzei

      Molecular biologist Dana Branzei examines mechanisms of DNA repair. Her outstanding research results contribute to the fundamental understanding of cancer development and therapy.

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      Dana Branzei
    • Daniel Kráľ

      Daniel Kráľ is a top researcher in discrete mathematics. He has succeeded in solving mathematical problems and conjectures that had been open for decades.

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      Daniel Kráľ
    • Daniel Rückert

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Artificial Intelligence 2020 Daniel Rückert As the head of a new Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medicine, Daniel Rückert is scheduled

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      Daniel Rückert
    • David DiVincenzo

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2011 David DiVincenzo David DiVincenzo was one of the first physicists to engage in quantum information and is considered an eminent authority on quantum informati

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      David DiVincenzo
    • Dieter Schmalstieg

      What would a red sofa look like in my sitting room? Augmented reality applications can visualise the answers to questions like this. Dieter Schmalstieg is set to continue his application-related research into virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) as a future Humboldt Professor at the University of Stuttgart.

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      Dieter Schmalstieg
    • Dietmar Schmucker

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2019 Dietmar Schmucker As a Humboldt Professor in Bonn, Dietmar Schmucker would help to set up a centre for fundamental research in neuroscience. In cooperation wi

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      Dietmar Schmucker
    • Dirk Kreimer

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2011 Dirk Kreimer Dirk Kreimer is one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of mathematical physics. Nominating University: Humboldt-Universität zu Berli

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      Dirk Kreimer