131 search results for „*“

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    • Piet Wibertus Brouwer

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2009 Piet Wibertus Brouwer Piet Wibertus Brouwer is considered to be one of the most productive and important minds in his discipline. Nominating University: Freie

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      Piet Wibertus Brouwer
    • Philip van der Eijk

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2010 Philip van der Eijk Philip van der Eijk is internationally recognised as an outstanding expert in the fields of Classical Philosophy and the History of Scienc

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      Philip van der Eijk
    • Peter Nicholas Robinson

      Peter N. Robinson is a pioneer in the computer-assisted genome and phenotype analysis of genetic diseases. His major work has been the development of the Human Phenotype Ontology, which is now a standard tool used internationally to diagnose gene-related diseases. At the Charité in Berlin, Robinson is invited to develop algorithms for AI-based precision medicine.

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      Peter Nicholas Robinson
    • Peter Dayan

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Artificial Intelligence 2020 Peter Dayan At the University of Tübingen, Peter Dayan will connect informatics and neuroscience, also building bridges to clinica

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      Peter Dayan
    • Peter Baumann

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2017 Peter Baumann In Mainz, Peter Baumann will help to develop the university and the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) into an international location for fund

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      Peter Baumann
    • Oskar Painter

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2013 Oskar Painter Oskar Painter is a pioneer in the development and physical characterisation of optical nanosystems. Nominating University: University of Erlange

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      Oskar Painter
    • Oskar Hallatschek

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2021 Oskar Hallatschek At the University of Leipzig, Hallatschek is set to drive development in the interdisciplinary research hub for quantitative eco-evolutionar

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      Oskar Hallatschek
    • Oliver Brock

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2009 Oliver Brock Oliver Brock is a pioneer in the field of research into artificial intelligence for the next generation of autonomous robots. Nominating Universi

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      Oliver Brock
    • Norbert Langer

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2009 Norbert Langer Norbert Langer has been one of the world’s leading experts in the field of theoretical astrophysics for more than two decades. Nominating Unive

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      Norbert Langer
    • Miki Ebisuya

      Why is the biological development of the human slower than that of the mouse? Japanese researcher Miki Ebisuya, who is invited to become a Humboldt Professor at TU Dresden, works on the biophysical mechanisms behind this question. In the long term, it is hoped her fundamental research will generate knowledge for the development of new regenerative therapies.

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      Miki Ebisuya