1343 search results

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Suvrit Sra

When mathematics meets AI, and optimisation, machine learning: mathematician Suvrit Sra’s fundamental works on methods of optimisation have made a seminal and incomparable contribution to the theoretical understanding and continued development of learning systems. TUM Munich wants to harness the Humboldt Professorship for Artificial Intelligence to expand its leading position in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Suvrit Sra

Sven Bernecker

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2016 Sven Bernecker In Cologne, the Humboldt Professor Sven Bernecker is due to found and head a Centre for Contemporary Epistemology and Kantian Tradition. Nomina

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Sven Bernecker


Talent scouting in Mexico: From hospital lab to world-class research

The Mexican neurobiologist, Renata Ponce, had actually ditched her dream of a career in research. But then the Humboldt scout Susanne Wegmann invited her to come to Germany to work in her research group at DZNE in Berlin. A win-win situation for everyone involved.

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Talent scouting worldwide: wondering together

On the search for new talent for her research group at the University of Hamburg, ancient history scholar and Henriette Herz Scout, Sabine Panzram, surveys the world – and doesn’t just focus on scientific excellence. Why healthy curiosity and a diverse scientific culture are important to her.

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