1343 search results

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Humboldt Residency Programme

In the form of media formats, events and publications, this “network within the network” aims to generate tangible new impetus in academia, society and politics. The programme reinforces innovation by transdisciplinary cooperation beyond the boundaries of science.

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Humboldt Residency Programme

Sponsorship programme

Philipp Schwartz Initiative

  • For whom: researchers at risk
  • From: all countries (excluding EU)
  • What:  24 (+12) months fellowship in Germany
Philipp Schwartz Initiative

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Dossier: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) will shape our societies for the future. It is already doing so today – from medicine via industry through to art and culture. The Humboldt Foundation sponsors cutting-edge research in AI and also sees its role in generating new ideas on the challenges of transformative technologies.

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Dossier: Artificial Intelligence

Issue overview

Issue overview Kosmos 115/2023 What’s next? To the magazine E-Paper Download (PDF) Kosmos 114/2022 By courtesy of To the magazine E-Paper Download (PDF) Kosmos 113/2021 Communicating science To the ma

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