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Inka Löck
Head of Division
Berlin Office of the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Email: inka.loeck[at]avh.de
Phone.: +49 30 204 547 17
Every year, outstanding members of the worldwide Humboldt Network will get together with representatives of the political sphere, civil society, business and the media to discuss a different topic.
In this way, the Humboldt Foundation will be fulfilling its role as an internationally oriented science organisation, contributing to science’s social responsibility across the world and resolutely considering international perspectives and discourse.
Artificial intelligence is changing the world. Its influence permeates every aspect of our daily lives, giving rise to high hopes but also vast uncertainties.
AI has already fundamentally changed science and research. It has driven top-flight research that brings tangible benefits to society, from medical imaging through vaccine development to climate modelling. AI is an indispensable tool in tackling the major global issues of our time. But its development, implementation and integration also entail ethical, social and legal challenges. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will continue to play its part in the worldwide efforts to promote AI research, sponsoring outstanding researchers and encouraging them to recruit inspired young talents. The Foundation’s approach to AI is holistic: we believe that collaboration between its various subdisciplines, from technology to ethics and law, is necessary to ensure that AI becomes an equitable resource for all of humankind.
On that note, the Humboldt Academia in Society Summit aims to examine AI research from different angles in order to better understand how AI can be used to benefit people all over the world, while also carefully considering its unexpected pitfalls.
How will we travel, transport goods and get around in cities and rural areas more sustainably in the future? How do new mobility technologies affect society? Around 150 participants from the science community, society and the political sector discussed this issue on 13 and 14 September at the international virtual 2021 Humboldt New Mobility Conference hosted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
The Humboldt Academia in Society Summit is the successor to the Forum for the Internationalisation of Science and Humanities. From 2008 to 2019, the Forum was an annual event at which the Humboldt Foundation’s International Advisory Board created an opportunity to discuss current research policy topics.
- Die Kraft der (wissenschaftlichen) Netzwerke - 13. Forum zur Internationalisierung der Wissenschaft, 2019 (PDF, 3 MB)
- Academic Freedom and Responsibility Toward Society – Who Decides What Science We Do? Proceedings of the 12th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2018 (PDF, 3 MB)
- Trust in Science and Scholarship – A Global Societal Challenge Proceedings of the 11th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2017 (PDF, 3 MB)
- Scholarly Integrity - 10th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2016 (PDF, 259 KB)
- Identifying the Best - Theory, Methods, Practice The 9th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2015 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Beyond Bibliometrics - Identifying the Best The 8th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2014 (PDF, 4 MB)
- Postdoctoral Career Paths 2.0: The Golden Triangle of Competitive Junior Investigators, Adequate Academic Systems, and Successful Careers - The 7th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2013 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Network of Trust: Will the New Social Media Change Global Science? - The 6th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2012 (PDF, 2 MB)
- The Globalization of Knowledge and the Principles of Governance in Higher Education and Research. - The 5th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2011 (PDF, 4 MB)
- Crossing Boundaries: Capacity Building in Global Perspective - The Fourth Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2010 (PDF, 3 MB)
- Cultures of Creativity: The Challenge of Scientific Innovation in Transnational Perspective Proceedings of the Third Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2009 (PDF, 5 MB)
- Strategies to Win the Best: German Approaches in International Perspective Proceedings of the Second Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, 2008 (PDF, 2 MB)