Focus Prodigious promise and mysterious mistakes Enthusiasm for all the things artificial intelligence can do is enormous – but people are also worried about the risks…
In practice “Sorry you’re going through this” People who suffer from depression or other mental health issues could soon seek help from an artificial intelligence.…
Focus “We need a CERN for AI in Europe” Human-centred AI could constitute a huge locational advantage for Germany and Europe, says Humboldt Professor for AI,…
Humboldtians in private What academic moms have to juggle Research, teaching, having a baby at home: "I actually wanted to take a few months maternity leave. Ten days after…
Brief enquiries Can AI save our cities from traffic jams? Apps are already calculating the ideal route through cities – using various means of transport and taking account of…
Brief enquiries How can artificial intelligence help to combat viruses? Being faster and more reliable than humans, artificial intelligence is usually used to evaluate huge volumes of data and…
Brief enquiries How do you use AI in the fight for women’s rights? According to the UN, the practice affects more than 200 million women worldwide: young girls are subject to genital…
Brief enquiries How does AI manipulate us? In the digital world, artificial intelligence often has the effect of reinforcing opinions. It creates filter bubbles,…
Brief enquiries What of tomorrow’s world of work? Artificial intelligence will have a huge impact on the way industry functions. Quite how huge will soon be illustrated…
Close up on research The Linguist Kofi Yakpo was once a big shot in German rap. Today, he is a professor of linguistics, researching into the emergence of…
Focus on Germany Letter to Germany More than 2,000 researchers come to Germany every year to spend time working on their research under Humboldt auspices.…
The faces of the Foundation The go-to woman for AI Who actually does what at Humboldt headquarters? Who are the people making sure that everything runs smoothly? This page…