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Humboldt alumni from Egypt who have received long-term sponsorship for collaboration with a German institute are now entitled to apply for additional funding. The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt is immediately dedicating up to a million Egyptian pounds to extending academic cooperation between Egyptian and German institutes. To be eligible, alumni must currently be located at an institute in Egypt and have applied successfully to the Humboldt Foundation under the Research Group Linkage Programme.
"The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt is looking with much hope to the cooperation with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in uniting the scientists from Humboldt alumni in Egypt and German scientists through the Research Group Linkage Programme in order to create a sustainable basis for long-term academic collaboration between institutes from Egypt and Germany and opening windows for bilateral and multilateral research teaming", said Mahmoud Sakr, President of ASRT, welcoming the Memorandum of Understanding that has now been signed.
Connecting potential
“By expanding research group linkages, we can connect Egypt’s huge research potential even better with research in Germany. Egyptian alumni are already very active. Thanks to this closer collaboration, we are looking forward to welcoming further Humboldtians from Egypt into our network very soon,” emphasised Thomas Hesse, Deputy Secretary General of the Humboldt Foundation, who engineered the memorandum.
Research Group Linkage Programme
The new programme should encourage more Humboldt alumni from Egypt to apply for the Foundation’s Research Group Linkage Programme, a form of alumni sponsorship which promotes long-term research collaborations between Humboldt alumni’s institutes abroad and the institutes of their collaborative partners in Germany. The sponsorship can be used for reciprocal research visits lasting up to three months annually, organising conferences and workshops, consumables, printing costs, and, to a limited extent, academic auxiliary staff and equipment for the institute abroad.
The Memorandum of Understanding on extending research group linkages was signed in October 2020 for an initial period of six years.
Jährlich ermöglicht die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung über 2.000 Forscher*innen aus aller Welt einen wissenschaftlichen Aufenthalt in Deutschland. In weltweit über 140 Ländern pflegt die Stiftung ein fächerübergreifendes Netzwerk von mehr als 30.000 Humboldtianer*innen – unter ihnen 61 mit Nobelpreis.