Academia in Exile
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Yuri Kovalev, the Humboldt Foundation’s Ambassador Scientist in Moscow sees freedom of science and collaborative international research work in danger.
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Belarus is also on the agenda at the Philipp Schwartz Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum being held from 26-27 April.
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The Humboldtian Conrado Hübner Mendes has publicly criticised Brazil’s chief public prosecutor. Now he is personally experiencing how President Bolsonaro’s loyal supporters crack down on critics. The professor of constitutional law at Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) is facing prosecution.
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Press Release
The Humboldt Foundation has released the findings from an international study on the status quo of highly qualified female scholars and scientists around the world.
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What encourages women researchers to be internationally mobile? And what stops them from doing research elsewhere in the world?
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Accessibility statement This accessibility statement applies to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation website published at www.humboldt-foundation.de . As a public sector body within the meaning of Di
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Magazine Humboldt Kosmos
Nobel Prize Winners and their scientific connections: Interactive map with insight into the world-spanning Humboldt Network.
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Press Release
Peter-André Alt, spokesperson of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Action needed to develop science funding
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Press Release
Budget Committee approves increase in basic funding.
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