1395 search results

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    • Promote the Humboldt Foundation

      The best ambassadors for the Humboldt Foundation are those who have participated in its programmes. Humboldtians such as you can help the Humboldt Foundation achieve its goals by raising awareness about Humboldt Programmes among qualified candidates in your area.

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      Promote the Humboldt Foundation
    • Promoting mathematics research in Africa

      Funding period for German Research Chairs at AIMS Centres extended to six years – Applications invited for new chair at the AIMS Centre in Ghana.

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    • News

      Protests at Boğaziçi University

      In early January, Turkey’s President Erdoğan appointed a new rector at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. Since then, the campus has seen protests, violence and arrests. Comments on this from the Humboldt Network

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    • News

      Protests in Iran: Using art to fight the system

      Iran is currently experiencing one of the largest waves of protests in decades. The Humboldt Foundation strongly condemns the violence by Iranian security forces, which particularly affects peaceful demonstrators at universities. We spoke with the Iranian Humboldtian Raika Khorshidian about different forms of protest, communication channels and the cultural scene’s influence in Iran.

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    • Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

      Questioning certainties

      In the global knowledge-production economy, resources and access are unfairly distributed. How this asymmetry came about, where there are still problems and where the conditions are beginning to change.

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      Questioning certainties
    • Radu Timofte

      Whether in smartphones, traffic detectors or medical images – in many aspects of our everyday lives, we take high-quality images for granted, in some situations they have become vital. In Würzburg, Radu Timofte’s work on image enhancement will forge links between different research areas.

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      Radu Timofte
    • Ran Hirschl

      Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2017 Ran Hirschl Ran Hirschl will help to develop the Göttingen campus into a centre for research on the interaction between comparative law, constitutional design

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      Ran Hirschl