1343 search results

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Sponsorship of Renewed Research Stays

Sponsorship of Renewed Research Stays Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany info[at]avh.de In order to intensify academic collaborat

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Sponsorship of Renewed Research Stays in Germany

Sponsorship of Renewed Research Stays in Germany Hint The budget cuts announced for 2024 will have a significant impact on the alumni sponsorship programmes of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. W

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Sponsorship opportunities for researchers at risk

Sponsorship opportunities for researchers at risk Contact Head of Division Philipp Schwartz Initiative and Academic Freedom Frank Albrecht Programme Officers Philipp Schwartz Initiative Katja Machacse

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Sponsorship programmes

If you would like to become a member of the Humboldt Family, the only thing that counts is your own excellent performance. We sponsor academic collaborations between foreign and German researchers by granting research fellowships and awards, tailored to your own individual career situation.

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Stable connections

No one knows yet how the pandemic will impact the careers of young researchers. In this three-part series, we profile Feodor Lynen Research Fellows and show how they are dealing with the challenges facing them.

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Staff Units

Staff Units Programme Directors for Board of Governors Dr Zoe Kusmierz Zoe.Kusmierz[at]avh.de +49 228 833-414 Dr Charlotte Devantier Charlotte.Devantier[at]avh.de +49 228 833-124 Internal Auditing Hea

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