1343 search results

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Sponsorship programme

Humboldt Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised researchers
  • From: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • What:  €60,000 award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Humboldt Research Award

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Sponsorship programme

Georg Forster Research Fellowship

  • For whom: postdoctoral and experienced researchers contributing to sustainable development
  • From: developing or transition countries in accordance with OECD (excluding PR China and India)
  • What:  6–24-month research stay in Germany
Georg Forster Research Fellowship

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Sponsorship programme

Konrad Adenauer Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised researchers
  • From: Canada
  • What:  €60,000 award money (up to 12 months research stay in Germany possible)
Konrad Adenauer Research Award

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Reaching for the stars

Working in the Felsenkeller underground lab at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Humboldt Fellow Eliana Masha is investigating what is going on inside the sun. The nuclear astrophysicist from Albania wants to determine the origins of the universe and show that anyone can become a researcher.

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