1314 search results

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Humboldt Colloquium

Humboldt Colloquium Every year, the Humboldt Foundation organises two major colloquia abroad to which all the alumni from the respective country or region are invited. The aim of these events is to en

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Humboldt Academia in Society Summit

Humboldt Academia in Society Summit The Humboldt Academia in Society Summit seeks to generate new ideas on current topics and challenges in civil society from within science. Contact Inka Löck Head of

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Humboldt Academia in Society Summit


How to tackle the biodiversity crisis

A response to the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15): the biogeographer and Humboldtian Tobias Kümmerle on sustainable agriculture and how it can help to conserve biodiversity.

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Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

How stony was the path to mathematical heights, Ms Pyakurel?

Brief Enquiries How stony was the path to mathematical heights, Ms Pyakurel? I grew up in the little village of Kalika 3, on a plateau in the Himalayas some 70 kilometres east of the Nepali capital, K

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How stony was the path to mathematical heights, Ms Pyakurel?