1343 search results

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2020 US election: Comments from the Humboldt network

For the first time ever, scientific magazines in the USA took a position during an American election campaign and endorsed the Democrat Joe Biden. How do Humboldtians view the election results? Initial reactions reveal hope and relief – as well as concerns.

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Focus on equal opportunity and diversity

In the coming months, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will be expanding its involvement in matters pertaining to equity, equality of opportunity, and diversity in the science system with a wide range of activities and measures.

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300 researchers from 50 countries attend virtual network meeting

The meeting of fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – originally scheduled to be held in Halle – will be conducted digitally on 18 and 19 November with the assistance of Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg.

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Communication Lab: Prizes awarded to winners of the first round

The best three works of journalism from the first round of the Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media have been awarded €500 each by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the International Journalists’ Programmes organisation.

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Stable connections

No one knows yet how the pandemic will impact the careers of young researchers. In this three-part series, we profile Feodor Lynen Research Fellows and show how they are dealing with the challenges facing them.

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