1343 search results

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Support for science

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is a legally responsible foundation under private law and promotes excellent research worldwide. The Foundation chiefly finances its expenditure on the basis of grants from the Federal Government and the European Union. However, the Foundation’s funding is also secured by private endowments. Mr. Winfried Pohl's endowment of €500,000 will benefit the promotion of top international research. Here, Mr. Pohl, an expert in the field of thermal engineering, tells us what motivated him to support the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

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Sustainable Futures: The Humboldt Colloquium in San Francisco

From February 29 to March 2, more than 100 alumni and current fellows of the Humboldt Foundation gathered in San Francisco to discuss visions for a sustainable future with partners from politics and science from around the world.

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