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Scouting Programme: New host for the Humboldt Network
The Munich immunologist Julia Jellusova, a new scout in the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme, is a first-time Humboldt host. She will utilise her own networks to recruit three postdocs for her team and the Humboldt Network.
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Scouting Programme: Recruiting expertise on a targeted basis
Regional prospects for global Islamic studies: As a scout for the Humboldt Foundation, Johanna Pink, professor for Islamic Studies, has recruited linguistic and regional expertise on a targeted basis for her research team. She presents her project here with the research fellows she selected.
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Press Release
Scouting programme to bring sought-after scientists to Germany
With the new Henriette Herz Scouting Programme, the Humboldt Foundation will make it possible to directly recruit individuals for its fellowship programme.
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Scouts Networking Meeting: How scouting makes academia more diverse
For the first time, 60 hosts met in Bonn for a networking meeting to discuss how they could introduce previously “invisible” excellence into the network and thus enhance diversity.
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Searching for talent
Radio astronomer Anton Zensus on his role as a Humboldt Scout
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Sebastian Deindl
Sebastian Deindl is a biophysicist whose research results are of exceptional importance both to basic research and to medicine. By appointing him to a Humboldt Professorship, the University of Tübingen wants to continue driving its leading international position in structural biology.
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Secretary General ad interim
Dr. Thomas Hesse Secretary General ad interim Thomas Hesse has been Deputy Secretary General of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation since February 2011 and Secretary General a. i. since April 1, 202
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