1343 search results

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Network Meeting

Network Meeting Several regional network meetings (formerly introductory meetings ) are held annually for research fellows newly arrived in Germany (without their families). These meetings take place

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What is academic freedom?

Academic freedom must be protected! Robert Quinn, Executive Director of the Scholars at Risk Network, has written an essay on the importance of academic freedom to mark the fifth anniversary of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative in 2021.

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What is academic freedom?

Press Release

Humboldtian receives Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize

The American microbiologist Bonnie L. Bassler is being honoured for her research on communication between bacteria. Bassler, the 2016 Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award winner, shares the prize with the American microbiologist Michael R. Silverman.

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We had absolutely no prospects

Jeff Wilkesmann had to leave his home country Venezuela in 2017. His university was closed after a military intervention. Time and again, professors in the country disappeared. Thanks to a fellowship of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, he was able to continue his work at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences.

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We had absolutely no prospects

A unique opportunity for me

Anan Alsheikh Haidar fled Syria in 2013. Her work as a professor of criminal law at the University of Damascus had put her name on the blacklist of Bashar al-Assad's government. With a fellowship of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, she came to the University of Cologne.

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A unique opportunity for me

Information on letters of recommendation

To be able to apply for a German Chancellor Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, interested applicants must provide references as part of their application.

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