1343 search results

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Promote the Humboldt Foundation

The best ambassadors for the Humboldt Foundation are those who have participated in its programmes. Humboldtians such as you can help the Humboldt Foundation achieve its goals by raising awareness about Humboldt Programmes among qualified candidates in your area.

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Promote the Humboldt Foundation

Alumni Associations

Currently there are 110 Humboldt Alumni Associations in 74 countries.

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Alumni Associations

Language fellowships and German courses

Language fellowships and German courses Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany info[at]avh.de Language fellowships before the researc

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Sponsorship programme

Georg Forster Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised researchers
  • From: developing and emerging countries in accordance with OECD (excluding PR China and India)
  • What:  €60,000 award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Georg Forster Research Award

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Humboldt Research Hubs in Africa

Humboldt Research Hubs in Africa Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany h-rh[at]avh.de As part of its “Humboldt Research Hubs in Afri

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Humboldt Research Hubs in Africa


Newsroom Humboldt is everywhere Alle All News Press releases X.com YouTube More News Alle News 26-07-2024 Reaching for the stars Eliana Masha is investigating what is going on inside the sun. The nucl

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Department 2 - Selection

Department 2 - Selection Head of Department Dr Andrea Binder Andrea.Binder[at]avh.de +49 228 833-119 Staff Unit Programme Director Dr Michelle Herte Artificial intelligence and emerging technologies M

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Information for nominators

Information for nominators Create an online nomination or continue, if you have already created and saved an online nomination form. Online nomination Continue nomination Nomination for a Georg Forste

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