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An Eldorado for research – and bureaucracy

Academic life, living conditions and personal relations: following their stay in Germany, Humboldt Foundation sponsorship-recipients evaluate living and working in the country. Covering the period 2018 to 2022, here you can discover what pictures their answers paint.

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An Eldorado for research – and bureaucracy

Department 4 - Administration

Department 4 - Administration Head of Department Lars-Christian Klinnert lars-christian.klinnert[at]avh.de +49 228 833-222 Programme Director Bianca Temps bianca.temps[at]avh.de +49 228 833-194 Divisi

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Your donation to the Humboldt Foundation helps to promote the next generation of outstanding researchers worldwide.

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Sponsorship programme


  • For whom: doctoral students and doctorate holders from Ukraine
  • From: Ukraine
  • What:  6–24-month research stay in EU member states and Horizon Europe associated countries

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Sponsorship programme

International Climate Protection Fellowship

  • For whom: prospective leaders and postdocs with climate expertise
  • From: non-European developing and transition countries
  • What:  12–24-month project in Germany
International Climate Protection Fellowship

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