Information for nominators
Information for nominators Create an online nomination or continue, if you have already created and saved an online nomination form. Online nomination Continue nomination Nomination for a Fraunhofer B
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Information for nominators Create an online nomination or continue, if you have already created and saved an online nomination form. Online nomination Continue nomination Nomination for a Fraunhofer B
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Information for nominators Create an online nomination or continue, if you have already created and saved an online nomination form. Online nomination Continue nomination Nomination for a Friedrich Wi
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Information for nominators Start your online nomination or continue with your nomination in "My Humboldt" Online nomination Continue nomination Nomination for a Humboldt Research Award Would you like
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Every week, the participants of the Humboldt Residency Programme report on their personal highlights of living and working as an international and interdisciplinary team in Berlin.
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Four-part podcast series on social cohesion. What contributes to the (un)making of communities?
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Kosmos Lecture “Our Precious Resources: Cities as Spaces of Hope” Late Summer Reception and Kosmos Lecture 2023 with Pratyush Shankar, Antonia Krefeld-Schwalb (Humboldt Residency Programme) and Robert
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Artificial intelligence (AI) will shape our societies for the future. It is already doing so today – from medicine via industry through to art and culture. The Humboldt Foundation sponsors cutting-edge research in AI and also sees its role in generating new ideas on the challenges of transformative technologies.
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