1343 search results

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Sandra Wachter

A technology law expert, Sandra Wachter is invited to work on the development of ethical and legal AI expertise in business and society in Germany. With her cutting-edge research on AI regulation, she will reinforce Potsdam’s international competitiveness.

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Sandra Wachter

Ingrid Piller

Ingrid Piller has had a lasting influence on applied linguistics. Her research into linguistic diversity and intercultural communication radiates well beyond her specialist field and has an impact on disciplines such as sociology, history and educational science.

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Ingrid Piller

Dana Branzei

Molecular biologist Dana Branzei examines mechanisms of DNA repair. Her outstanding research results contribute to the fundamental understanding of cancer development and therapy.

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Dana Branzei


From Cameroon to Karlsruhe: forging ahead

The Georg Forster Fellow and taxonomist, Jeanne Agrippine Yetchom Fondjo, is conducting research on grasshoppers and biodiversity at the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe. She hopes her work will be a source of inspiration and attract more women to science.

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Ambassador Scientists

Ambassador Scientists The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Ambassador Scientists disseminate information about Germany as a research location at universities and research institutions at home and a

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  • Place: Berlin (Germany)
  • Date:  -

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Sponsorship programme

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship

  • For whom: postdoctoral researchers, experienced researchers
  • From: Germany
  • What:  6–24-month research stay abroad
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship

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