1343 search results

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A toolkit for good science communication

Science communication has penetrated the awareness of research, politics and society. At the same time, the pressure on researchers to make their outcomes accessible to the public at large has grown. During the summer school “Communicating Science”, 50 junior researchers from 26 countries worked together to elaborate recommendations for action.

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A unique opportunity for me

Anan Alsheikh Haidar fled Syria in 2013. Her work as a professor of criminal law at the University of Damascus had put her name on the blacklist of Bashar al-Assad's government. With a fellowship of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, she came to the University of Cologne.

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A unique opportunity for me

A unique opportunity for me

Anan Alsheikh Haidar fled Syria in 2013. Her work as a professor of criminal law at the University of Damascus had put her name on the blacklist of Bashar al-Assad's government. With a fellowship of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, she came to the University of Cologne.

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A unique opportunity for me

A victory for biodiversity in Brazil

Mayra Flores Tavares, International Climate Protection Fellow from Brazil, shares her hopes for the future of the Amazon rainforest with the victory of Lula da Silva in the Brazilian presidential elections.

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Press Release

AI and Us: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation podcast goes online

In the 10-part podcast series AI and Us, artificial intelligence (AI) experts from the Humboldt network report from their research field and answer the most important questions regarding artificial intelligence.

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AIMS: Information for collaborative partners

AIMS: Information for collaborative partners Information for collaborative partners in Germany One goal of the German Research Chairs at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is to pr

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AIMS: Information on expert review

AIMS: Information on expert review Provide an expert review To be able to apply for a German Research Chair "Mathematics and its applications“at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)

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