1354 search results for „*“

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Magazine Humboldt Kosmos


Wilfred Fritz managed to carve his path through racial barriers and became one of the first non-whites to study at the South African Stellenbosch University.

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Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

Forget the grammar you learn at school

Today’s broken rules are often tomorrow’s norms. The Hungarian linguist Vilmos Ágel has developed a completely new grammar.

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Forget the grammar you learn at school

Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

The New President: Hans-Christian Pape

The Humboldt Foundation has a new President: in January, the neurophysiologist Hans-Christian Pape took over the helm of the Foundation from the chemist Helmut Schwarz.

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The New President: Hans-Christian Pape

Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

Humboldtian Honoured

Joachim Frank is the 55th researcher in the Humboldt Network to be awarded a Nobel Prize.

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Humboldtian Honoured

Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

Humboldt Professor Karen Radner

“I love the feeling of discovering something nobody has ever discovered before,” says Karen Radner, describing what drives her as a researcher.

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Humboldt Professor Karen Radner

Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

We Need Fearless Universities

A conversation with Enno Aufderheide, Secretary General of the Humboldt Foundation, on recruiting research luminaries and the benefits they bring German universities.

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We Need Fearless Universities

Magazine Humboldt Kosmos

“You Can Open A Shell Company in Five Minutes”

Brooke Harrington spoke to people who only seldom give interviews, let alone divulge tax tricks. In order to get to the heart of the matter, the economic sociologist decided to join them.

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“You Can Open A Shell Company in Five Minutes”