1418 search results for „*“

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Sponsorship programme

Philipp Schwartz Initiative

  • For whom: researchers at risk
  • From: all countries (excluding EU)
  • What:  24 (+12) months fellowship in Germany
Philipp Schwartz Initiative

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Mentoring for women in the Humboldt Network

Women Forward – The 2024 Humboldt Mentoring Program brought more than 100 women from the Humboldt Network together to work on career issues.

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Wealth of ideas: The first Humboldt Hackathon in Berlin

Under the banner “Mobilizing diverse minds across the globe”, the Foundation recently conducted the first Humboldt Hackathon where individuals sponsored by the Foundation discussed new ways to make full use of the potential offered by the Humboldt Network.

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German Research Chairs in portrait

AIMS (African Institute for Mathematical Sciences) is a Pan-African network of centres of excellence for postgraduate education, research and consulting in the field of mathematics and related sciences. The first centre was founded in South Africa in 2003.

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German Research Chairs in portrait


Between the Lines

The Humboldt Research Fellow, Rosa Coppola, was working on the concept of artificiality in the works of the late experimental poet, academic and philosopher, Max Bense, when she discovered new approaches to Bense’s oeuvre and to her own research work.

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Research stays outside Germany

Research stays outside Germany International Climate Protection Fellows may conduct their fellowship outside Germany during the sponsorship period if this is necessary for the implementation of their

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Return Fellowship

Return Fellowship Contact Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany info[at]avh.de After successfully completing the initial stay sponso

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