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Kristina Güroff
Kerstin Schweichhart
Press, Communications
and Marketing
Tel.: +49 228 833-144/257
Fax: +49 228 833-441
Georg Scholl
Head of
Press, Communications and Marketing
Tel.: +49 228 833-258
Fax: +49 228 833-441
Christopher Carilli and Christof Wetterich
Dr. Christopher Carilli works at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro, New Mexico, USA, and is one of the leading experts on radio astronomy worldwide. Professor Dr. Christof Wetterich carries out research at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Heidelberg University and is considered to be one of the most creative pioneers in astro-particle physics. Both of them research into the origins of the universe - one from the practical, observation side, the other from the theoretical standpoint - and are seeking explanations for the existence and effects of dark energy. Understanding this phenomenon would allow inferences to be drawn on the origins and the future of the universe.
Christopher Carilli, a former Humboldt Fellow, observes the traces of the most distant galaxies from the early period of the universe and develops the observation equipment and measuring techniques necessary to do so. He is significantly involved in developing the next generation of radio telescopes. Carilli thus creates the observation data, the basis for the development and application of new theoretical methods - a field in which Christof Wetterich is a leading figure. He is considered an outstanding expert capable of forging ahead with the cooperation that is essential between theoretical physics, astronomical observation and numerical simulation. As the "discoverer" of the quintessence model, he has provided one of the most popular explanations for the accelerated expansion of the universe.
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Dr. Christopher Carilli
Professor Dr. Christof Wetterich
Further Information
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2016
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2015
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2014
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2013
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2012
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2011
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2010
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2009
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2008
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2007
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2006
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2005
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2004