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Kristina Güroff
Kerstin Schweichhart
Press, Communications
and Marketing
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Georg Scholl
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Tel.: +49 228 833-258
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Aleida Assmann and Karl Galinsky
History and Memory
Professor Dr. Aleida Assmann is a Professor of English Literature at Konstanz University. She is recognised as a pioneer in History and Memory and champions the interdisciplinary linkage of history, psychology, neurobiology and literary studies in her research. She is one of the most eminent scholars of literature worldwide. Through her widely acclaimed works she lends impetus to the debates on remembering the Holocaust or the creation of a European cultural memory. She will use the prize money to further her research into European memory studies and extend Konstanz University’s international network in cultural memory research.
Professor Dr. Karl Galinsky is a Professor of Classics at The University of Texas at Austin, USA, and one of the most versatile and innovative minds in the field of cultural research. Here he combines Latin studies or art and social history with religious studies and archaeology. He has, for instance, drawn highly regarded connections between antiquity and its perception in modern culture and built bridges to current themes such as disenchantment with politics and multiculturalism. Galinsky intends to use the prize money to work in the fields of interdisciplinary cultural memory research and the history of religion at Bochum University’s Department of Classical Philology and establish a junior research group. Back in 1993, Galinsky was granted the Humboldt Research Award and worked together as an award winner with specialist colleagues in Berlin and Mainz.
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Further Information
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2016
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2015
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2014
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2013
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2012
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2011
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2010
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2009
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2008
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2007
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2006
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2005
- Max Planck Research Award Winners 2004