Editorial Welcome to the new edition of Kosmos! How colonialism is still affecting science – and where supposedly self-evident facts fall apart
Humboldtians in private "Climate change will affect us all" The agricultural economist and climate activist Adenike Oladosu is the founder of Fridays for Future Nigeria and an…
Focus Humboldt belongs to you, but he also belongs to us Was Alexander von Humboldt an instrument of colonialism or one of the intellectual fathers of the independence movement…
Focus An inheritance with long-term consequences Colonialism was all-embracing and it was violent. It re-organised the world, led to the circulation of knowledge as well…
Focus Questioning certainties In the global knowledge-production economy, resources and access are unfairly distributed. How this asymmetry came…
Guest article Why we need post-colonialism As with any new paradigm, the terms “postcolonialism”, “postcolonial criticism” or “postcolonial approach” garner strong…
Close up on research The heritage researcher The past, for Sophia Labadi, is very much alive. The ethnologist and expert on heritage studies explores how heritage…
Brief enquiries How can music save the climate? What links music with plastic waste, emissions or oil leakages? The Nigerian Olusegun Stephen Titus explores just how…
Brief enquiries Can we ensure justice for indigenous groups? Some are replicas, many were looted, some were given away: during the colonial era, countless international cultural…
Brief enquiries Is health a matter of sexual orientation? In many countries, queer people have problems accessing healthcare services. There are prejudices about homosexuality;…
Brief enquiries Can AI unite the world? Artificial intelligence can boost development in poor countries and promote international cooperation when language…
Brief enquiries How racist is philosophy? To discover what holds the world together in its innermost core – philosophy seeks to find timeless truths that apply to…
Focus on Germany Unity and inequality Is the fact that East Germans are underrepresented in the leadership of German universities a case of inner-German…
The faces of the foundation Combatting powerlessness Who actually does what at Humboldt headquarters? Who are the people behind the scenes making sure that everything runs…