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CONNECT Frontiers of Research Symposia: platform for an international and interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge &nbsp Follow-up program for participants of Frontiers of Research Symposia Brazilian-G

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FAQ to sponsorships in Germany

FAQ to sponsorships in Germany The German-language text is authoritative; the English-language version is merely a helpful translation. Guidelines and Information for Research Fellows (PDF, 558 KB) Wh

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Reintegration allowance

Reintegration allowance Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany info[at]avh.de The Humboldt Foundation endeavours to help Feodor Lynen

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Extension of the research fellowship

Extension of the research fellowship Kontakt Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Abteilung Förderung und Netzwerk Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn info[at]avh.de If you would like to extend your research fell

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Network and Events for German Chancellor Fellows

Network and Events for German Chancellor Fellows Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany info[at]avh.de The Network of the German Chan

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Stay in Europe

Stay in Europe Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany info[at]avh.de During the sponsorship period, German Chancellor Fellows may und

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Language fellowships and German courses

Language fellowships and German courses Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship and Network Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn Germany info[at]avh.de Germany is much more fun if you speak G

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Information for Hosts

Information for Hosts Contact Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Selection Department Jean-Paul-Str. 12 53173 Bonn, Germany Fax: 0228-833 212 info[at]avh.de Any research institution in Germany (univers

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