Prof. Dr. Andras Szilagyi


Derzeitige StellungProfessor W-3 und Äquivalente
FachgebietGynäkologie und Geburtshilfe,Reproduktionsmedizin, Urologie
KeywordsGynäkologische Endrokrinologie, PCOS, diabetes, infertility

2017: Ehrenmitglied der Rumenischen Gesellschaft für Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse


Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Priv. Doz. Dr. Winfried RossmanithKlinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Universität Ulm, Ulm
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.01.1991



Publikationen (Auswahl)

2017Andras Szilagyi (ed): Endocrine aspects of female infertility (A n?i infertilitas endokrinológiai vonatkozásai). Betuvirag Kft, 2017
2017Andras Szilagyi: Új biomarkerek a policisztás ovárium szindrómában (PCOS). (New biomarkers in PCOS). In: Magy. N?orv. L. (Hungarian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology), 2017, 300-304
2016Andras Szilágyi, Attila Jakab, Attila Molvarec: A n?gyógyászati endokrinológia legújabb eredményei, fejl?dési irányai. (Latest results in gynecological endocrinology, trends of development). In: Magy. N?orv. L. (Hungarian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology), 2016, 21-29
2016Andras Szilagyi: Policisztás ovárium szindróma (PCOS). (Polycystic ovary syndrome). In: Zoltán Papp, Handbook of Gynecology (A n?gyógyászat kézikönyve). Medicina 2016. 193-202
2016Istvan Peterfi, Lorand Kellenyi, Lehel Peterfi, Andras Szilagyi: The short-term effect of smoking on fetal ECG. In: The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. Published online: 26 Oct 2017. , 2016,
2015Prof. Dr. Andras Szilagyi: Polycystic ovary syndrome - An endocrine and metabolic disorder throughout life. . In: J. Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology, 2015, 222-226
2015Prof. Dr. Andras Szilagyi: Schwangerschaft und Diabetes, Gestationsdiabetes . In: István Wittmann, Notizen in Diabetologie für Medizinstudenten . Medizinische Univ. Pécs, 2015. 20-24
2015Prof. Dr. Andras Szilagyi: Trophoblast betegségek (in Hungarian) Trophoblastic diseases. In: Zoltán Papp, A várandósgondozás kézikönyve Handbook of pregnancy councelling. Medicina, 2015. 635-641
2011Jozsef Zeke, Katalin Kanyo, Helga Zeke, Aron Cseh, Barna Vasarhelyi, Andras Szilagyi, Janos Konc: Pregnancy rates with recombinant versus urinary human chorionic gonadotropin in in vitro fertilization: An observational study. In: TheScientificWorldJournal, 2011, 1781-1787
2010Andras Szilagyi: Policisztas ovarium szindroma - mult, jelen, jovo (Polycystic ovary syndrome - past, present, future). In: Hungarian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2010, 31-38
2007Miklos Vizer, Ludwig Kiesel, Istvan Szabo, Antal Arany, Peter Tamas, Andras Szilagyi: Assessment of three-dimensional sonographic features of polycystic ovaries after laparoscopic ovarian electrocautery. In: Fertility and Sterility, 2007, 894-899
2007Peter Tamas, Andras Szilagyi, Sara Jeges, Miklos Vizer, Tamas Csermely, Zsolt Ifi, Andras Balint, Istvan Szabo: Effects of maternal central hemodynamics on fetal heart rate pattern. In: Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2007, 711-714
2007Tamas Csermely, Laszlo Halvax, Miklos Vizer, Istvan Drozgyik, Peter Tamas, Peter Goetze, Istvan Szabo, Sara Jeges, Andras Szilagyi: Relationship between adolescent amenorrhea and climacteric osteoporosis. In: Maturitas, 2007, 368-374
2007Tamas Csermely, Laszlo Halvax, Miklos Vizer, Peter Tamas, Kalman Kovascs, Peter Goetze, Istvan Szabo, Andras Szilagyi: The application of 'endovaginal' sonography during laparoscopy-assisted Vecchietti operation. In: Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2007, 1-5
2007Andras Szilagyi: Type 2 diabetes and the polycystic ovary syndrome. In: GN Allahbadia, R Agrawal, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Anshan Ltd, 2007. 134-142
2006Andras Szilagyi, Agnes Nagy, Peter Tamas, Miklos Vizer, Istvan Szabo, Hajna Losonczy: Two successful pregnancies following eight miscarriages in a patient with antithrombin deficiency. In: Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 2006, 111-114
2004Andras Szilagyi, Gyorgy Bartfai, Zoltan Manfai, Sandor Koloszar, Attila Pal, Istvan Szabo: Low-dose ovulation induction with urinary gonadotropins or recombinant follicle stimulating hormone in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. In: Gynecological Endocrinology, 2004, 17-22
2003Andras Szilagyi, Istvan Szabo: Endocrine characteristics of polycystic ovary syndrome. In: Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 2003, 697-700
2002L Kiesel, A Rody, RR Greb, A Szilagyi: Clinical use of GnRH analogues. In: Clinical Endocrinology, 2002, 677-687
2002T Csermely, L Halvax, E Schmidt, K Zambo, G Vadon, I Szabo, A Szilagyi: Occurence of osteopenia among adolescent girls with oligo/amenorrhea. In: Gynecological Endocrinology, 2002, 99-105
2002Andras Szilagyi, Miklos Vizer, Eva Feledi, Istvan Szabo: Significance of intrauterine fetal surveillance in improving perinatal mortality and morbidity in diabetes complicated pregnancy. In: Diabetologia Hungarica, 2002, 67-71
2001Andras Szilagyi, J Homoki, WG Rossmanith, I Szabo: Clinical and endocrine changes following medical (GnRH analogue) and surgical (laparoscopic electrocoagulation or laser vaporisation) treatment in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In: Anand Kumar, Amal K Mukhopadhyay, Follicular Growth, Ovulation and Fertilization: Molecular and Clinical Basis. Narosa Publishing House, 2001. 163-171
2001Andras Szilagyi, Z. Manfai, L. Kiesel, I. Szabo Kallmann's syndrome: pregnancy through intracytoplasmic sperm injection and complicated by gestational diabetes. In: Gynecol Endocrinol, 2001, 325-327
2001Andras Szilagyi, I. Szabo: Prevention and Tratment of Early Pregnancy Loss. In: José M. Carrera, Luis Cabero, Roman Baraibar, The Perinatal medicine of the New Millennium - Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine. Monduzzi Editore, 2001. 297-301
2001Andras Szilagyi, J. Homoki, I. Szabo: Significance of gas chromatographic profiling of urinary steroids in patients with hirsutism, menstrual cycle disorders and/or infertility. In: A. R. Genazzani, P. G. Artini, F. Petraglia, Recent Research in Gynecological Endocrinology. The Parthenon Publishing Group, 2001. 47-50