Prof. Dr. Takaharu Otsuka


Derzeitige StellungEmeritus
FachgebietKernphysik,Theoretische Physik
Keywordscollective bands, nuclear shell model, nuclear structure theory, exotic nuclei, shell evolution

2023: RIKEN Baihou Award

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse

OrtWako, Saitama
Institut/AbteilungNishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science

Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Prof. Dr. Robert RothInstitut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.06.2023


2023Forschungspreis-Programm auf Gegenseitigkeit für Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem Ausland

Projektbeschreibung der*des Nominierenden

Professor Otsuka is an outstanding researcher in the field of theoretical nuclear structure physics. His research has transformed the way we think about nuclei as interacting quantum many-body systems. He has introduced key concepts, such as shell evolution in exotic nuclei, and computational methods that are critical for our modern understanding of complex nuclei. In Germany, Professor Otsuka will collaborate with experimental and theoretical working groups to advance the frontiers in nuclear structure theory and experiments.