Prof. Dr. Sharon Macdonald


Derzeitige StellungProfessor W-3 und Äquivalente
FachgebietEthnologie und Europäische Ethnologie,Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Keywordsheritage, museums, society, memory, Europe

2015: Alexander von Humboldt Professor

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse

Universität/InstitutionHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut/AbteilungInstitut für Europäische Ethnologie

Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Beck-GernsheimInstitut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KaschubaInstitut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Hermann ParzingerStiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik OlbertzHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Johannes VogelMuseum für Naturkunde - Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung (MfN), Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine KunstHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Peter FrenschHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.04.2000


2014Alexander von Humboldt-Professur

Publikationen (Auswahl)

2024Sharon Macdonald: 'National showing off and telling off. Reflections from the Ethnological Museum in Germany's Humboldt Forum. In: Museum Worlds, 2024,
2024Sharon Macdonald: Artistic Provenance Research. Tal Adler and Sharon Macdonald 2024
2024Sharon Macdonald: Changing phenomenologies of objects of National Socialism. In: Journal of Holocaust Studies , 2024,
2024Hilden, Irene, Andrei Zavadski & Sharon Macdonald: Germany's Memory Culture 'Between the Posts': Practices and Potentialities. Hilden, Irene, Andrei Zavadski & Sharon Macdonald, 2024
2023Sharon Macdonald Diversity Max* . Multiple differences in exhibition-making in Berlin Global in the Humboldt Forum. Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage. A Berlin Ethnography. Sharon Macdonald, 2023. 173-92
2023Sharon Macdonald: Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage. A Berlin Ethnography. Sharon Macdonald, 2023
2023Sharon Macdonald: Doing diversity, making differences. Multi-researcher ethnography in museums and heritage in Berlin. Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage. A Berlin Ethnography. Sharon Macdonald, 2023. 13-56
2023Sharon Macdonald: Making differences to going diversity in museums and heritage. An afterword. Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage. A Berlin Ethnography.. Sharon Macdonald, 2023. 315-8
2023Sharon Macdonald: Perspectivity and anthropological engagements in heritage-making. Challenges from the Humboldt Forum, Berlin. Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges.. Emma Gilberthorpe and Ferdinand de Jong, 2023.
2022Sharon Macdonald: Immersion, impersonation and engagement in dangerous pasts. Limits, effects and ethics of immersive heritage experiences. Difficult Heritage and Immersive Experiences. Agiati Bernadou and Anna Maria Droumpouki (eds), 2022.
2022Sharon Macdonald: Sighting the dust. Attending to the museum through its residue. ) Museale Reste, Bildwelten des Wissens. Nina Samuel & Felix Sattler 2022. 11-23
2022Sharon Macdonald: Why museums should talk rubbish!. Throwaway! A European History of Waste. Christine Dupont et al., 2022. 15-24
2021Mirjam Shatanawi, Sharon Macdonald and Katarzyna Puzon Heritage, Islam, Europe: entanglements and directions: an introduction. Islam and Heritage in Europe: Past Developments and Future Possibilities. Katarzyna Puzon, Sharon Macdonald and Mirjam Shatanawi, 2021.
2021Katarzyna Puzon, Sharon Macdonald and Mirjam Shatanawi Islam and Heritage in Europe: Past Developments and Future Possibilities. Katarzyna Puzon, Sharon Macdonald and Mirjam Shatanawi 2021
2021Sharon Macdonald, Christine Gerbich, Rikke Gram, Katarzyna Puzon and Mirjam Shatanawi Reframing Islam? Potentials and challenges of participatory initiatives in museums and heritage. Islam and Heritage in Europe: Past Developments and Future Possibilities. Katarzyna Puzon, Sharon Macdonald and Mirjam Shatanawi, 2021.
2021Sharon Macdonald: Seven modes of museum forgetting. What’s Missing? Collecting and Exhibiting Europe.. Iris Edenheiser, Elisabeth Tietmeyer & Susanne Boersma, 2021. 234-40
2020Sharon Macdonald: Immersed in the Nazi past: limits, risks and approaches in the mediation of dangerous histories. Mediated Pasts – Popular Pleasures. Medien und Praktiken populärkulturellen Erinnerns. Christoph Bareither and Ingrid Tomkowiak, 2020. 31-40
2020Sharon Macdonald: Re: Worlding the Museum. Or, the Museum for Possible Futures. Das Museum der Zukunft/ The Museum of the Future. schnittpunkt and Joachim Baur 2020. 183-88
2020Jonas Tinius and Sharon Macdonald: The recursivity of the curatorial. The Anthropologist as Curator. Roger Sansi 2020. 35-57
2020Sharon Macdonald: Transforming the ethnographic: anthropological articulations in museum and heritage research. Across Anthropology. Troubling Colonial Legacies, Museums, and the Curatorial. Margareta von Oswald and Jonas Tinius, 2020. 47-60
2019Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald Refugees Welcome? Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany. Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald 2019
2019Sharon Macdonald: Awakening sleeping objects. Wörterbuch der Gegenwart. 100 Years of Now. Bernd Scherer, Olga von Schubert and Stefan Aue, 2019.
2019Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald: Introduction: making, experiencing and managing difference in a changing Germany. Refugees Welcome? Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany.. Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald, 2019. 1-38
2019Sharon Macdonald: Reframing Islam in the refugee crisis. In: Material Religion, 15, 2019, 378-9
2019Sharon Macdonald: Refugee futures and the politics of difference: a concluding reflection. Refugees Welcome? Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany. Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald, 2019. 312-31
2019Sharon Macdonald: Researching ethnographic museums in Europe (interview). Museumsethnologie. Eine Einführung. Theorien, Debatten, Praktiken. Iris Edenheiser and Larissa Förster 2019. 360-9
2018Sharon Macdonald: Endorsement effects and warning potentials: architecture from Totalitarian eras as heritage. Architecture as Propaganda in Twentieth-Century Totalitarian Regimes. History and Heritage. Håkan Hökerberg 2018. 261-287
2018Sharon Macdonald, Christine Gerbich and Margareta von Oswald No museum is an island: ethnography beyond methodological containerism. In: Museum and Society, 16, 2018, 138-56
2018• CARMAH (Sharon Macdonald, Jonas Tinius, Christine Gerbich, Larissa Foerster, Margareta von Oswald, Katarzyna Puzon) Otherwise. Rethinking Museums and Heritage. • CARMAH (Sharon Macdonald, Jonas Tinius, Christine Gerbich, Larissa Foerster, Margareta von Oswald, Katarzyna Puzon) 2018
2017Henrietta Lidchi, Sharon Macdonald and Margareta von Oswald Engaging Anthropological Legacies, special section of Museum Worlds: Advances in Research. Henrietta Lidchi, Sharon Macdonald and Margareta von Oswald 2017
2017Sharon Macdonald, Henrietta Lidchi and Margareta von Oswald Introduction: engaging anthropological legacies towards cosmo-optimistic futures. Engaging Anthropological Legacies, special section of Museum Worlds: Advances in Research.. Henrietta Lidchi, Sharon Macdonald and Margareta von Oswald, 2017. 97-109
2017Sharon Macdonald: Was ist eine Ausstellung und warum besuchen wir sie? Der kuratorische Blick von Studierende. +ulta gestaltung schafft wissen. Dokumentation der Ausstellung und ihrer partizipationen Vermittlungsformate.. F.Stuhl, H.Bredekamp and W.Schäffner 2017. 67-70
2016Sharon Macdonald: New constellations of difference in Europe’s 21st Century Museumscape. In: Museum Anthropology, 39, 2016, 4-19
2016Sharon Macdonald: Revolutions, turns and developments in museum education: some anthropological and museological reflections. Handbuch Museumspädagogik. Kulturelle Bildung in Museen. B. Commandeur, H. Kunz-Ott and K. Schad 2016. 95-105
2016Sharon Macdonald: Why public acknowledgement of past perpetration may no longer be so unsettling to collective identities. In: Museum International 67, 2016, 6-22
2015Sharon Macdonald: How things matter: stories from Nuremberg. In: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 111, 2015, 13-27
2015Sharon Macdonald: Probleme mit der Ethnologie. Prinzip Labor. Museumsexperimente im Humboldt Lab Dahlem. Humboldt Lab Dahlem, 2015. 211-218
2015Sharon Macdonald: The Trouble with the Ethnological. The Laboratory Concept. Museum Experiments in the Humboldt Lab Dahlem. Humboldt Lab Dahlem, 2015. 211-228
2013Sharon Macdonald: Difficult heritage/Eredita difficili. Re-enacting the Past. Museography for Conflict heritage/ Riattivare il Passato. La Museografia per L’Eredita del Conflitti. M.Bassanelli and G.Postiglione, 2013. 56-73
2009Sharon Macdonald: Difficult Heritage: Negotiating the Nazi Past in Nuremberg and Beyond. Sharon Macdonald, 2009
2009Sharon Macdonald: Undesirable heritage: historical consciousness and Fascist material culture in Nuremberg. In: International Journal of Heritage Research, 12, 2009, 9-28
2009Sharon Macdonald: Unsettling memories: intervention and controversy over difficult public heritage. Heritage and Identity. Engagement and Demission in the Contemporary World. Marta Anico and Elsa Peralta, 2009. 93-104
2009Sharon Macdonald: Words in Stone? Agency and Identity in a Nazi Landscape. In: Journal of Material Culture, 11, 2009, 105-26
2006Sharon Macdonald: Mediating heritage: tour guides at the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds, Nuremberg. In: Tourist Studies, 6, 2006, 119-38
2005Sharon Macdonald: Accessing audiences: visiting visitor books. In: Museum and Society, 3, 2005, 119-36
2000Sharon Jeanette Macdonald: Historical Consciousness 'From Below'. Anthropological Reflections. In: Sharon Jeanette Macdonald, Approaches to European Historical Consciousness: Reflections and Provocations. Körber-Stiftung, 2000. 86-102
2000Sharon Jeanette Macdonald, Katja Fausser: Towards European Historical Consciousness. An Introduction. In: Sharon Jeanette Macdonald, Approaches to European Historical Consciousness: Reflections and Provocations. Körber-Stiftung, 2000. 9-40