Prof. Dr. Sven Beckert


Derzeitige StellungProfessor W-3 und Äquivalente
FachgebietWirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte,Neuere und Neueste Geschichte,Weitere Geschichtswissenschaften
KeywordsHistory of Capitalism, Inequality, American History, Social History, Global History

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse

Universität/InstitutionHarvard University
Institut/AbteilungDepartment of History

Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen OsterhammelLehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.01.2003


2004Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreis-Programm

Projektbeschreibung der*des Nominierenden

Sven Beckert is one of the leading American historians of his generation. A professor at Harvard University, his work focuses on the history of the United States in the 19th century in comparative perspective. He is the author of numerous publications, foremost among them a widely acclaimed book on the history of economic elites. Emphasizing the recent "transnational turn" in historical scholarship, his most recent research focuses on the history of capitalism in global perspective, including an eagerly awaited study on the history of cotton and a history of the world economy in the 19th century. On the latter project he is cooperating with his host at the University of Konstanz, the historian Jürgen Osterhammel.