Prof. Dr. Nythamar Fernandes De Oliveira


Derzeitige StellungProfessor W-3 und Äquivalente
FachgebietPraktische Philosophie,Theoretische Philosophie
KeywordsAI, Demokratie, Gleichheit, Menschenrechte, Politischer Liberalismus

2007: Latino Faculty Estrella Teaching Award, The University of Toledo, Ohio

2004: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Georg Forster Post-Doctoral Fellowship

1995: Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) Fellowship, since 1995

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse

OrtPorto Alegre
Universität/InstitutionPontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
Institut/AbteilungDepartment of Philosphy

Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg FlickingerInstitut für Philosophie, Universität Kassel, Kassel
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.09.2004


2004Georg Forster-Forschungsstipendien-Programm

Publikationen (Auswahl)

2021De Oliveira, Nythamar: Justi{\c{c}}a e liberta{\c{c}}{\~a}o: A Tribute to John Rawls. 2021,
2021de Oliveira, Nythamar: Recasting a Reformed, Judeo-Christian Humanism: Paul Ricoeur?s Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Revelation. In: Philosophy of Religion in Latin America and Europe, 2021, 195
2021DE OLIVEIRA, Nythamar: The Phenomenological Deficit of Critical Theory. In: Etudes, 5, 2021, 59--86
2021Parode, F{\'a}bio and Zapata, Maximiliano and de Oliveira, Nythamar: VAN GOGH NA MODA CONTEMPOR{\^A}NEA: REFLEX{\~O}ES SOBRE CORPO SEM {\'O}RG{\~A}OS. In: Revista Triades, 10, 2021, 48--59
2020de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: A Imagina{\c{c}}{\~a}o Dial{\'e}tica de Habermas entre o Naturalismo e a Religi{\~a}o: Uma Reconstru{\c{c}}{\~a}o Normativa do Mundo da Vida P{\'o}s-Secular. In: DISSERTATIO (UFPEL), 2020,
2020Oliveira, Nythamar de: As exig{\^e}ncias normativas do ethos democr{\'a}tico brasileiro: O habitus em Bourdieu, teoria cr{\'\i}tica e filosofia social. In: Civitas-Revista de Ci{\^e}ncias Sociais, 12, 2020, 70--87
2020De Oliveira, Nythamar and Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas Kluge: Dynamic Cognition Applied to Value Learning in Artificial Intelligence. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.05538, 2020,
2020Kluge Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Dynamic Models Applied to Value Learning in Artificial Intelligence. In: arXiv e-prints, 2020, arXiv--2005
2020Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas Kluge and De Oliveira, Nythamar: Dynamic models applied to value learning in artificial intelligence. In: Veritas--Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs, 2, 2020,
2020Jung, Jo{\~a}o Henrique Salles and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Entre o cosmopolitismo e o realismo pol{\'\i}tico: Habermas, Honneth e a Escola Inglesa das Rela{\c{c}}{\~o}es Internacionais. In: ethic@-An international Journal for Moral Philosophy, 19, 2020, 338--366
2020Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas Kluge and De Oliveira, Nythamar: Good AI for the Present of Humanity Democratizing AI Governance. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04477, 2020,
2020Kluge Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Good AI for the Present of Humanity Democratizing AI Governance. In: arXiv e-prints, 2020, arXiv--2007
2020Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas Kluge and de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Metanormativity: solving questions of moral and empirical uncertainty. In: ethic@-An international Journal for Moral Philosophy, 19, 2020, 790--810
2020Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas Kluge and De Oliveira, Nythamar: Modelos din$\backslash$\^{} amicos aplicados$\backslash$a aprendizagem de valores em intelig$\backslash$\^{} encia artificial. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02783, 2020,
2020Kluge Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas and De Oliveira, Nythamar: Modelos din{\^a}micos aplicados {\`a} aprendizagem de valores em intelig{\^e}ncia artificial. In: arXiv e-prints, 2020, arXiv--2008
2020Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas Kluge and De Oliveira, Nythamar: Singularity and Coordination Problems: Pandemic Lessons from 2020. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.07018, 2020,
2020Kluge Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas and De Oliveira, Nythamar: Singularity and Coordination Problems: Pandemic Lessons from 2020. In: arXiv e-prints, 2020, arXiv--2010
2020Oliveira, Nythamar de: The normative claims of Brazil's democratic ethos: Bourdieu's habitus, critical theory, and social philosophy. In: Civitas-Revista de Ci{\^e}ncias Sociais, 12, 2020, 70--87
2019Bonhemberger, Marcelo and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Bioethics, Universalism and Pluralism: Revisiting the Foundationalism Problem. In: Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy, 18, 2019,
2019Oliveira, Nythamar and Marim, Caroline and Bavaresco, Agemir and Tauchen, Jair: Bio{\'e}tica, neuro{\'e}tica e emo{\c{c}}{\~o}es: leituras interdisciplinares. In: Bio{\'e}tica, Neuro{\'e}tica, Emo{\c{c}}{\~o}es, 2019,
2019Bonhemberger, Marcelo and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Bio{\'e}tica, universalismo e pluralismo: revisitando o problema do fundacionismo. In: ethic@-An international Journal for Moral Philosophy, 18, 2019, 01--20
2019De Lima, Francisco Jozivan Guedes and De Oliveira, Nythamar Hilario: Emo{\c{c}}{\~a}o, ju{\'\i}zo moral e raz{\~a}o: Dam{\'a}sio e a cr{\'\i}tica do racionalismo {\'e}tico. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 64, 2019, e34220--e34220
2019de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: O Erro de Calvino: pressupostos teol{\'o}gico-filos{\'o}ficos da cr{\'\i}tica calvinista ao humanismo. In: TEOCOMUNICA{\c{C}}{\~A}O (ONLINE), 2019,
2019Oliveira, Nythamar de: O Erro de Calvino: pressupostos teol{\'o}gico-filos{\'o}ficos da cr{\'\i}tica calvinista ao humanismo. In: Teocomunica{\c{c}}{\~a}o, 49, 2019, 1--16
2018de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: 10.15448/1984-6746.2018. 1. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 2018,
2018Alves, P Dias and Iwamoto, L Parcianello Melo and de Oliveira, NF: Abstract P-387: WITHDRAWAL OF VENTILATORY SUPPORT IN A PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT IN BRAZIL: A BIOETHICS OVERVIEW. In: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 19, 2018, 166
2018Zapata, Maximiliano Oscar and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Apresenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o Dossi{\^e} Filosofia Judaica. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 63, 2018, 1--8
2018de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes and Assai, Jos{\'e} Henrique: Catirina entre desencanto e emancipa{\c{c}}{\~a}o: Uma leitura filos{\'o}fico-social do ?Mais IDH?. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 63, 2018, 673--690
2018Henrique Assai, Jos{\'e} and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Catirina entre desencanto e emancipa{\c{c}}{\~a}o: Uma leitura filos{\'o}fico-social do" Mais IDH".. In: Veritas, 63, 2018,
2018Oliveira, Nythamar de and Dutra, Delamar: Towards a Brazilian Critical Theory of Justice: Social Liberation, Public Justification, and Normative Reconstruction. In: Dissertatio, 47, 2018, 3--25
2017DANNER, Fernando and OLIVEIRA, Nythamar de: A Genealogia do Poder em Michel Foucault. IV Mostra de Pesquisa da P{\'o}s-Gradua{\c{c}}{\~a}o--PUCRS, 2009. In: Dispon{\'\i}vel: http://www. pucrs. br/edipucrs/IVmostra/IV\_MOSTRA\_PDF/Filosofia/71464-FERNANDO\_DANNER. pdf. Acesso em, 8, 2017,
2017de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: Deconstructing the substantialist conception of God: recasting Heidegger's critique of Augustine. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 2017,
2017de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes and Zapata, Maximiliano: Design de moda e cultura Queer: o devir-drag como express{\~a}o de g{\^e}nero. In: REVISTA D.: DESIGN, EDUCA{\c{C}}{\~A}O, SOCIEDADE E SUSTENTABILIDADE, 2017,
2017de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes and DUTRA, Delamar Volpato: Moral Cognitivism and Legal Positivism in Habermas? s and Kant's Philosophy of Law. In: ETHIC@(UFSC), 2017,
2017Dutra, Delamar Jos{\'e} Volpato and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Moral Cognitivism and Legal Positivism in Habermas?s and Kant's Philosophy of Law. In: ethic@-An international Journal for Moral Philosophy, 16, 2017, 533--546
2017Alves, Priscila Dias and de Oliveira, Neulanio Francisco and Iwamoto, Lisandra Parcianello Melo and de Rezende Dias, Adriana and dos Santos, Cristiane Gon{\c{c}}alves and Bered, Patricia: The implementation of a pediatric palliative care team in a pediatric tertiary hospital. In: Journal of Critical Care, 42, 2017, 398--399
2016de Oliveira, Nythamar: Democracia e educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o: Kant, Dewey, Habermas. In: Filosofazer (impressa), 33, 2016,
2016de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: Eticidade e religi{\~a}o: O comunitarismo do jovem Hegel. In: Direito e Justi{\c{c}}a: Festschrift em homenagem a Thadeu Weber, 2016,
2016Oliveira, Nythamar de and Gomes, Tiago de Fraga: Guerra justa, hermen{\^e}utica pol{\'\i}tica e pluralismo religioso em John Rawls e Claude Geffr{\'e}= Just War, Political Hermeneutics and Religious Pluralism in John Rawls and Claude Geffr{\'e}. In: Teocomunica{\c{c}}{\~a}o, 46, 2016, 59--86
2016de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes and GOMES, TIAGO DE: Guerra justa, hermen{\~A}{\textordfeminine}utica pol{\~A}tica e pluralismo religioso em John Rawls e Claude Geffr{\~A}{\copyright}. In: Teocomunica{\c{c}}{\~a}o (Online), 2016,
2016de Oliveira, Nythamar: On Ritalin, Adderall, and Cognitive Enhancement: Metaethics, Bioethics, Neuroethics. In: ethic@-An international Journal for Moral Philosophy, 15, 2016, 343--368
2016de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: Revisiting the mind-brain reductionisms: Contra dualism and eliminativism. In: Revista Veritas, 2016,
2015de Oliveira, Nythamar: Alfredo Pereira Jr. entre Dam{\'a}sio e Prinz: revisitando o monismo de triplo aspecto. In: K{\'\i}nesis-Revista de Estudos dos P{\'o}s-Graduandos em Filosofia, 7, 2015, 68--80
2015de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes and Hrubec, Marek and Sobottka, Emil and Saavedra, Giovani: Justice and Recognition. In: On Axel Honneth and Critical Theory. Praga/Porto Alegre: CAS/PUCRS, 2015,
2015MARTINS, Janae Gon{\c{c}}alves and OLIVEIRA, NF de: Material did{\'a}tico: desconstruindo o ontem para construir o hoje e o amanh{\~a}.[Sl: sn], 2008. In: Acesso em, 10, 2015,
2015de Oliveira, Nythamar: REVISITANDO A CR{\'I}TICA COMUNITARISTA AO LIBERALISMO: SANDEL, RAWLS E TEORIA CR{\'I}TICA. In: S{\'\i}ntese: Revista de Filosofia, 41, 2015,
2014de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: Recasting Naturalism and Normativity: social constructionism, reflective equilibrium and normative reconstruction. In: Naturalism: Contemporary Perspectives, 2014,
2014de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: Reflective Equilibrium and Normative Reconstruction: Recasting the Phenomenological Deficit of Critical Theory. In: Ethic@(UFSC), 2014,
2013do Carmo, Juliano Santos and Carvalho, Fl{\'a}via and Araldi, Clademir and Miraglia, Carlos and Semeler, Alberto and de Brito, Adriano Naves and Stein, Sofia and Azevedo, Marco and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Naturalism: Contemporary Perspectives. 2013,
2013de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: Perspectivas {\'E}tico-Pol{\'\i}ticas do Sobrenatural: T{\'e}cnica, Ci{\^e}ncia e Religi{\~a}o segundo Foucault. In: O natural e o sobrenatural, 2013,
2013De Oliveira, Nythamar: Recasting the naturalism--normativity debate: Neuroscience, neurophilosophy, neuroethics. In: Princ{\'\i}pios: Revista de Filosofia, 20, 2013, 8
2012de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: Aesthetics, ethics, and the role of Teleology inthe third Critique. In: Revista de Filosofia: Aurora (PUCPR. Impresso), 2012,
2012de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: Debate p{\'u}blico e filosofia no Brasil. In: Ideias, 3, 2012, 15--31
2012De Oliveira, Nythamar: Heidegger, Reification and Formal Indication. In: Comparative and Continental Philosophy, 4, 2012, 35--52
2012de Oliveira Junior, Nythamar Hilario Fernandes: The Normative Claims of Brazil's Democratic Ethos: Bourdieu's Habitus, Critical Theory, and Social Philosophy. In: Civitas: Revista de Ci{\^e}ncias Sociais (Impresso), 2012,
2012de Oliveira, Nythamar and others: Veritas (Porto Alegre. Online). 2012,
2011Oliveira, Nythamar de: Adeus: A epifania do Outro segundo Levinas. In: Revista Filosofazer, 15, 2011, 11--21
2011De Oliveira, Nythamar: Expediente Exclusivo n{\textordmasculine}. 1/2011 vol. 56. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 56, 2011,
2011Oliveira, Nythamar de: Gadamer, a hermen{\^e}utica ea cr{\'\i}tica ao naturalismo: Antirrealismo moral e construcionismo social?. In: Ernildo Stein e Lenio Streck (orgs), Hermen{\^e}utica e Epistemologia. Porto Alegre: Livraria do Advogado, 2011,
2010de Oliveira, Nythamar: Phenomenology. 2010,
2010De Oliveira, Nythamar: Towards a Phenomenology of Liberation: a critical theory of race and the fate of democracy in latin America. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 55, 2010,
2009DANNER, Fernando and OLIVEIRA, Nythamar de: A genealogia do poder em Michel Foucault. In: MOSTRA DE PESQUISA DA P{\'O}S-GRADUA{\c{C}}{\~A}O, 4, 2009, 786--794
2009De Oliveira, Nythamar: Affirmative action, recognition, self-respect: Axel Honneth and the phenomenological deficit of. In: Civitas-Revista de Ci{\^e}ncias Sociais, 9, 2009, 369--385
2009Entrena V{\'a}zquez, Luz and Ziccarelli Pandolfi, Sandro and Chamarelli, Stella Freitas and Vaz, Renata Caroline da Costa and Grintzos, Priscilla Cavalcante Elias and Costa, Angelo Roger de Fran{\c{c}}a and Silva, Carmen S Miranda and Luj{\'a}n Alberca, Jos{\'e} Fernando and Couto, Ana Luisa Soares and Moreno, Ana Heloisa Viana Silva and others: Constituci{\'o}n y acciones positivas. El sistema de cuotas de participaci{\'o}n pol{\'\i}tica para mujeres en Ecuador. In: Anuario de Derecho Constitucional Lationoamericano, Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico, Instituto de Investigaciones Jur{\'\i}dicas, 2009,
2009De Oliveira, Nythamar: Habemus Habermas: O universalismo {\'e}tico entre o naturalismo ea religi{\~a}o. In: Ethic@-An International Journal for Moral Philosophy, 8, 2009,
2009de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes and de Souza, Draiton Gonzaga and Rawls, John: Justi{\c{c}}a global e democracia: homenagem a John Rawls. 2009,
2009de Oliveira, Nythamar F and Saavedra, Giovani A and Sobottka, Emil A: Reconhecimento e teoria social. In: Civitas-Revista de Ci{\^e}ncias Sociais, 9, 2009, 341--344
2008OLIVEIRA, Nythamar Fernandes de and SOUZA, Ricardo Timm de: Fenomenologia hoje III: bio{\'e}tica, biotecnologia, biopol{\'\i}tica. In: Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2008, 183--200
2008SOUZA, Ricardo Timm de and OLIVEIRA, Nythamar Fernandes de and others: Fenomenologia hoje III: bio{\'e}tica, biotecnologia, biopol{\'\i}tica. In: Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2008,
2008de Oliveira, Nythamar: Humanity and Universalizability: A Kantian Interpretation of the Foundations of Human Rights. 2008,
2008De Oliveira, Nythamar: Husserl, Heidegger, and the Task of a Phenomenology of Justice. In: Veritas--Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs, 53, 2008,
2008Martins, Janae Gon{\c{c}}alves and Oliveira, NF de: Material did{\'a}tico: desconstruindo o ontem para construir o hoje e o amanh{\~a}. In: Instituto Superior Tupy, 2008,
2008De Oliveira, Nythamar: Mundo da vida, ethos democr{\'a}tico e mundializa{\c{c}}{\~a}o: a democracia deliberativa segundo Habermas. In: Doispontos, 5, 2008,
2007de Oliveira, Nythamar: Adeus: A epifania do Outro segundo Levinas. In: Phenomenology 2005, 2, 2007, 417--434
2007De Oliveira, Nythamar: Rawls?s normative conception of the person: A Kantian reinterpretation. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 52, 2007,
2007Oliveira, N de: Rawls?s normative conception of the person: a Kantian reinterpretation. In: Veritas, 52, 2007, 171--183
2006De Oliveira, Nythamar: ?Tout autre est tout autre?: Direitos humanos e perspectivismo sem{\^a}ntico-transcendental. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 51, 2006,
2006OLIVEIRA, Nythamar Fernandes de: A concep{\c{c}}{\~a}o normativa de pessoa e sociedade em Kant e Rawls: uma interpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o sem{\^a}ntico-transcendental. In: Revista Dissertatio, 2006, 23--40
2006De Oliveira, Nythamar: A hermeneutic rationale of human rights. In: DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHILOSOPHIE, 54, 2006, 829--839
2006OLIVEIRA, Nythamar de and SOUZA, Draiton G de: Hermen{\^e}utica e filosofia primeira: Festschrift para Ernildo Stein. In: Iju{\'\i}: Uniju{\'\i}, 2006,
2006de Oliveira, Nythamar: Menschenwürde, menschlichkeit, menschenwesen: Por uma fundamenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o hermen{\^e}utico anal{\'\i}tica dos dereitos humanos. Humano e Inumano: A dignidade do homem e os novos desafios (actas do Segundo Congreso Internacional da Associa{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Filosofia Fenomenol{\'o}gica). 2006. 367--378
2006de Oliveira, Nythamar HF: O problema da fundamenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o filos{\'o}fica dos direitos humanos: por um cosmopolitismo sem{\^a}ntico-transcendenta. In: ethic@-An international Journal for Moral Philosophy, 5, 2006, 21--31
2006de Souza, Ricardo Timm and de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Veritas. Issn. In: Veritas--Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs, 51, 2006,
2006Nythamar Fernandes de Oliveira: Zu einer hermeneutischen Begründung der Menschenrechte. In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie , 2006, 829-840
2006De Oliveira, Nythamar: Zu einer hermeneutischen Begründung der Menschenrechte. In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 54, 2006, 829--840
2004De Oliveira, Nythamar: Detrascendentalizing subjetivity: Paul Ricoeur's revelatory hermeneutics of suspicion. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 50, 2004, 371--399
2004De Oliveira, Nythamar: O que foi que Marx e os marxistas n{\~a}o entenderam e por qu{\^e}. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 49, 2004, 155--159
2004De Oliveira, Nythamar: Teoria ideal E teoria n{\~a}o-ideal em plat{\~a}o, Kant E Rawls. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 49, 2004, 709--725
2003De Oliveira, Nythamar: Between being and nothingness: Sartre's existencial phenomenology of liberation. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 48, 2003, 581--602
2003De Oliveira, Nythamar F: Justi{\c{c}}a e Democracia: John Rawls. In: Veritas--Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs, 48, 2003,
2003OLIVEIRA, Nythamar Fernandes de: Justi{\c{c}}a e toler{\^a}ncia segundo Rawls. In: SOUZA, DG (Org.) Justi{\c{c}}a e Pol{\'\i}tica: homenagem a Otfried Höffe. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2003, 431--449
2003De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: On the Genealogy of Modernity: Foucault's Social Philosophy. 2003,
2003Oliveira, N: Rawls. Jorge Zahar. In: Rio de Janeiro, 2003,
2002De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Hegel, Heidegger, Derrida: desconstruindo a mitologia branca. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 47, 2002, 81--97
2002OLIVEIRA, Nythamar de: Justi{\c{c}}a global e democratiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o segundo John Rawls. In: Filosofia Unisinos, 3, 2002, 39--57
2001De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Dialectic and existence in Kierkegaard and Kant. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 46, 2001, 231--253
2001De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Est{\'e}tica E {\'e}tica na terceira cr{\'\i}tica. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 46, 2001, 593--606
2001SOUZA, Ricardo Timm de and OLIVEIRA, NF de: Fenomenologia hoje: exist{\^e}ncia, ser e sentido no alvorecer do s{\'e}culo XXI. In: Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2001,
2001de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Kant, Rawls, and the Foundations of a Theory of Justice. 2001,
2000De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Critique of public reason revisited: Kant as arbiter between Rawls and Habermas. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 45, 2000, 583--606
2000De Oliveira, Nythamar: Globalization and democratization in Brazil: an interpretation of Rawls's political liberalism. In: Civitas, 4, 2000,
2000De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Husserl's phenomenology ofmeaning in the logjcal investigations. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 45, 2000, 117--134
2000de Oliveira, Nythamar: Philosophia Semper reformanda: husserlian theses on constitution. In: Manuscrito, 23, 2000,
2000de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: RESENHA {\^a}??Pierre Kerszberg, Critique and Totality. In: Studia Kantiana, 2, 2000, 153--156
2000De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Simp{\'o}sio internacional de fenomenologia E hermen{\^e}utica. Sociedade brasileira de fenomenologia. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 45, 2000, 5--8
1999De Oliveira, Nythamar: Between ethics and aesthetics: Desire at the limits of representation. In: International studies in philosophy, 31, 1999, 83--100
1999Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes de: Hobbes, liberalismo e contratualismo. In: id. Tractatus ethico-politicus. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 1999,
1999De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Mundo da vida: a apropria{\c{c}}{\~a}o habermasiana de Husserl e Wittgenstein. In: Veritas--Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs, 44, 1999,
1999Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes de: Tractatus ethico-politicus: genealogia do ethos moderno. In: Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 1999,
1998Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes de: Kant, Rawls e a fundamenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o de uma teoria da justi{\c{c}}a?. In: Justi{\c{c}}a como eqüidade. Florian{\'o}polis: Insular, 1998, 105--124
1997De Oliveira, N: Critique and Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate, edited, with an Introduction by Michael Kelly. In: CONSTELLATIONS-OXFORD-, 4, 1997, 141--143
1997de Oliveira, Nythamar: Habermas on Nietzsche and knowledge. In: New Nietzsche Studies, 2, 1997, 111--120
1996de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: " INVESTIGA{\c{C}}{\~O}ES" DE WITTGENSTEIN. In: Veritas, 1996, 65
1996De Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: On the genealogy of modernity: Kant, Nietzsche, Foucault.. 1996,
1996de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Significado e Skepsis Nas Investigacoes de Wittgenstein. In: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 41, 1996, 65--74
1996de Oliveira, N Fernandes: The Worldhood of the" Cosmos" in Heidegger's Reading of Heraclitus. In: Manuscrito: revista internacional de filosof{\'\i}a, 19, 1996, 201--222 Oliveira, Nythamar: " Transcendental-Semantic Perspectivism: Hermeneutic Transformations of Phenomenology in Apel, Habermas, and Tugendhat. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: 6. JUSTI{\c{C}}A, DIREITO E DEMOCRACIA EM HABERMAS. In: FILOSOFIA DO DIREITO: TEORIAS MODERNAS E CONTEMPOR{\^A}NEAS DA JUSTI{\c{C}}A, n.n., 127 Oliveira, Nythamar: A epifania do Outro segundo Levinas. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: Affirmative action, recognition, self-respect. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: Contemporary Moral Problems. n.n.,
n.n.Piguet, {\`A} Jean-Claude and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Detranscendentalizing Subjectivity: Paul Ricoeur?s Revelatory Hermeneutics of Suspicion. n.n.,
n.n.Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas Kluge and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Dynamic Cognition Applied to Value Learning in Artificial Intelligence. n.n.,
n.n.INDIV{\'I}DUO, SOCIEDADE E ESTADO and DE OLIVEIRA, NYTHAMAR: EMENTA: Axel Honneth e o D{\'e}ficit Fenomenol{\'o}gico da Teoria Cr{\'\i}tica: Reconhecimento, Reifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o e Tecnologias do Mundo da Vida. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: Habermas, Dialectical Imagination and Political Innovation. First World Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy. n.n.. Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes: Hegel, Derrida e a Mitologia Branca Für Seyla Benhabib Nythamar Fernandes de Oliveira PUCRS-Porto Alegre/CNPq. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: Leia as not{\'\i}cias, entrevistas, resumos e outros conte{\'u}dos sobre o projeto.. n.n.,
n.n.Castoriadis, Cornelius and de Oliveira, Nythamar Fernandes and Flakne, April and Forst, Rainer and Kymlicka, Will and Lynch, Nicol{\'a}s and Olvera, Alberto J and Parekh, Bhikhu: Leonardo Avritzer is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Belo Horizonte, Brazil and editor of A Moralidade da Democracia and Sociedado Civil e Democratizacao. Joseph H. Carens is Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto and editor, recently, of Is Quebec Nationalism Just? and Democracy and. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: Life, War and Peace: Towards a Hermeneutics of Human Rights. n.n.,
n.n.Karasek, Felipe Szyszka and de Oliveira, Nythamar: NIETZSCHE E A QUEST{\~A}O DE S{\'O}CRATES: UMA PERSPECTIVA EST{\'E}TICA. n.n.,
n.n.Bonhemberger, Marcelo and de Oliveira, Nythamar: Norman Daniels (1985) seguiu seu mentor de Harvard quando transp{\^o}s para o contexto da bio{\'e}tica esse problema do fundacionismo, que seria agora repensado em. In: A presente publica{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\'e} resultado das pesquisas e debates dos participantes do IV Col{\'o}quio Internacional de Bio{\'e}tica e do II Col{\'o}quio Emo{\c{c}}{\~o}es que, reuniu pesquisadores, docentes e discentes de cursos de p{\'o}s-gradua{\c{c}}{\~a}o em filosofia, bio{\'e}tica, medicina, ci{\^e}ncias jur{\'\i}dicas, neuroci{\^e}ncia, ci{\^e}ncias sociais e humanas de todo o Pa{\'\i}s, nos dias 25 a 27 de setembro de 2019. O objetivo foi debater quest{\~o}es e problemas, n.n., 25 Oliveira, Nythamar: O D{\'e}ficit Normativo do Ethos Democr{\'a}tico Brasileiro: Governan{\c{c}}a, Equidade e Competitividade. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: Significado e Skepsis nas Investiga{\c{c}}{\~o}es de Ludwig Wittgenstein. In: Filosofia na PUCRS: 40 anos do Programa de P{\'o}s-Gradua{\c{c}}{\~a}o em Filosofia, n.n., 249
n.n.Corr{\^e}a, Nicholas Kluge and De Oliveira, Nythamar: Singularity and the ?No Fire Alarm Hypothesis?: Pandemic Lessons from 2020. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: Towards a Phenomenology of Liberation. n.n., Oliveira, Nythamar: URL: http://revistaseletronicas. pucrs. br/ojs/index. php/intuitio Type: OJS Comments. n.n.,
n.n.Dutra, Delamar Jos{\'e} Volpato and de Lourdes Borges, Maria and Assmann, Selvino and Felipe, S{\^o}nia Terezinha and Bonella, Alcino and Bertren, Andr{\'e} and Barbosa Filho, Balthazar and Rohatyn, Dennis and De Souza, Draiton G and Rabossi, Eduardo and others: ethic@: Revista Internacional de Filosofia da Moral. n.n., Lima, Francisco Jozivan Guedes and de Oliveira, Nythamar Hilario: racionalismo filos{\'o}fico sub judice da neuroci{\^e}ncia33. n.n.,