Prof. Dr. Gabriel del Rio Guerra


Derzeitige StellungProfessor W-2 und Äquivalente
FachgebietBioinformatik und Theoretische Biologie,Biochemie
KeywordsProtein's structure-function relationship, Cell physiology, anastasis, Systems biology, computer simulation

2021: Founder of DProtein Inc.

2015: Founder of Analitica Predictiva S.A.P.I

2011: Linkage programme from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

2010: Associate professor and tenure at the Institute of cellular physiology, Mexico city, Mexico

2009: Georg Forster fellow at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

2004: Assistant professor at the Institute of cellular physiolgy, Mexico city, Mexico

2001: Staff scientist (Bioinformatics) at the Buck Institute, California USA

1997: Fogarty fellow at the Burnham Institute, San Diego California, USA

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse

OrtMexico D.F.
Universität/InstitutionUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
Institut/AbteilungInstituto de Fisiologia Celular

Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Prof. Dr. Edda KlippInstitut für Biologie, Biophysik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.09.2009


2009Georg Forster-Forschungsstipendien-Programm für erfahrene Forschende

Publikationen (Auswahl)

2021Lara Ortiz, Maria Teresa and Martinell García, Victor and Del Rio, Gabriel: Saturation Mutagenesis of the Transmembrane Region of HokC in Escherichia coli Reveals Its High Tolerance to Mutations. In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 2021,
2021Morán-Torres, Rafael and Castillo González, David A. and Durán-Pastén, Maria Luisa and Aguilar-Maldonado, Beatriz and Castro-Obregón, Susana and Del Rio, Gabriel: Selective Moonlighting Cell-Penetrating Peptides. In: Pharmaceutics, 13, 2021,
2020Peláez Coyotl, Erika A. and Barrios Palacios, Jacqueline and Muciño, Gabriel and Moreno-Blas, Daniel and Costas, Miguel and Montiel Montes, Teresa and Diener, Christian and Uribe-Carvajal, Salvador and Massieu, Lourdes and Castro-Obregón, Susana and Espinosa, Octavio Ramos and Mata Espinosa, Dulce and Barrios-Payan, Jorge and León Contreras, Juan Carlos and Corzo, Gerardo and Hernández-Pando, Rogelio and Del Rio, Gabriel: Antimicrobial Peptide against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis That Activates Autophagy Is an Effective Treatment for Tuberculosis. In: Pharmaceutics, 12, 2020,
2020Fontove, Fernando and Del Rio, Gabriel: Residue Cluster Classes: A Unified Protein Representation for Efficient Structural and Functional Classification. In: Entropy, 22, 2020,
2018Arellano VJ, Martinell García P, Rodríguez Plaza JG, Lara Ortiz MT, Schreiber G, Volkmer R, Klipp E, Rio GD: An Antimicrobial Peptide Induces FIG1-Dependent Cell Death During Cell Cycle Arrest in Yeast. In: Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 1-15
2017Del Rio G, Klipp E, Herrmann A.: Using Confocal Microscopy and Computational Modeling to Investigate the Cell-Penetrating Properties of Antimicrobial Peptides.. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, 2017, 191-199
2016Diener C, Garza Ramos Martínez G, Moreno Blas D, Castillo González DA, Corzo G, Castro-Obregon S, Del Rio G.: Effective Design of Multifunctional Peptides by Combining Compatible Functions. In: PLoS Computational Biology, 2016, 1-19
2014Rodriguez Plaza JG, Morales-Nava R, Diener C, Schreiber G, Gonzalez ZD, Lara Ortiz MT, Ortega Blake I, Pantoja O, Volkmer R, Klipp E, Herrmann A, Del Rio G.: Cell penetrating peptides and cationic antibacterial peptides: two sides of the same coin. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014, 14448-14457